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I didn't know for how long had I passed out. I opened my eyes slowly. I had a throbbing pain in my head. My vision was blur so I couldn't make out where I was. I was shivering from the cold and probably fear, too. My clothes were all wet. My hair was all messed up and greasy. My throat was dry and sore. I moved my head after which an unbearable pain exploded in it. The sound of thunder echoed through my ears which meant it was still raining heavily. I tried to focus my vision. All I could see was the dark but I could see light in the distance. I blinked again and again trying to be able to see clearly until I saw it was a door through which the light was peeking from. I was in a room. It looked, somewhat, familiar but I couldn't really remember. I tried to move but realized I was tied up. My hands were tightly tied to my back and my legs were tied together. Realizing that, I panicked and harshly moved my body to free myself. The sudden jerk made me cry out in pain. The pain in my head was unbearable! I squeezed my eyes tightly. I started crying as tears fell across my cheek staining them.

Suddenly I realized what had happened to me. I remembered running away from someone. It was pouring and while running too fast I slipped and hit my head on the pavement. My head was bleeding. At this thought, more tears escaped my eyes. I cursed myself for putting myself in this situation.

It's all because of you. You're a danger to yourself. You could've prevented this. You would've been safe and home. But you had to do this to yourself. Now suffer! My mind screamed from the inside. It was true, I should've let Olive drop me. I should've made up to Chase. He was the one who'd save me...always. But now I was helpless and hopeless. I started sobbing. My eyes were hurting. I felt tired. My eyes grew wide and I gasped as I remembered that someone picked me up before I lost consciousness. A part of me wanted it to be Chase but I knew whoever he was, wasn't Chase. I squirmed vigorously trying to free myself from the tight ropes. Fear, anger, frustration, all together. I tried a lot but to no avail. I couldn't take it anymore and so I screamed out of frustration.

"Goddamn it!" My voice echoed through the room and outside.

All I could hear were my hopeless cries for help, till I heard footsteps outside the room. I didn't know what to do. Inside, I was panicking. If I were free, I would've fought against the person. I would've defended myself, but I was just lying in a dark room totally helpless.

A man entered the room. I couldn't see who he was as it was dark. He turned the light on. I jerked shutting my eyes as the bright light hit them sharply. I slowly opened my eyes, still squinching, to see the room lit up. I slowly moved my eyes to the standing figure in front of me. My eyes observed him and moved up slowly till they finally reached his face. I gasped in utter fear. My worst nightmare had come to life..


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