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I slowly opened my eyes but squinched them as the bright light shone inside my room through the window. I got up rubbing my eyes. My eyes were puffy and the headache had gone but I still slightly felt it. As I glanced at the alarm clock I realized I had woken up half an hour early. Considering I was so tired, I was surprised how I woke up so early. I sat in bed for a few minutes then I got up and went to the window. My eyes observed the outside carefully. It was a clear sky and the sun was shining brightly. The green plants and trees looked refreshing, moving slowly by the wind. I sighed and turned to go to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and as the cold water touched my body I shivered. The hot water was broken so I had to take a cold shower which I hated! After I was done I got out of my room, and headed down the stairs. I wanted to go out in the sun to get a little warmth. I went straight for the door when mom greeted me from behind and called me for breakfast. I greeted back and got out. I was still upset from what happened last night.

As I stepped out in the sun, it felt so comforting. I was standing there with my eyes closed absorbing the warmth, when someone tapped on my shoulder from the front. As I was opening my eyes I raised my hands for defence. When I heard a loud chuckle, it was Chase.

"You scared me!" I said scowling, however, I was delighted to see him.

"What were you doing?" He said giggling.

"I wanted a little Sun. What about you, what are you doing here?"

"I was walking to school, when I saw you standing here, so I thought I'd say hi" He said smiling.

I smiled back but not for long. My face turned into a frown. Of course, Chase noticed it and asked immediately if everything was alright.

"No... yesterday, Mr. Harold came here an..." I was interrupted by a shocked what from Chase. I continued, "he failed me in the test and now I have to stay after school with him." I said with a tone full of fright.

"But you said you did good?" Chase asked in confusion.

"Yes, I did, but I don't know, he just failed me." Of course, he wanted me to stay. "I don't know what his intentions are and I'm really scared, Chase." I said weakly.

"Everything will be fine, I promise." Chase smiled and assured me.

I sighed giving Chase a weak smile. Then we realized we only had half an hour till school started... so, we walked together. Yet another walk with him. And it was beautiful. The clear and pleasant weather made it more beautiful. I couldn't help but smile through the whole way. Being with Chase made me forget all my worries and he made me feel safe and protected.

His chestnut brown hair blew with the cool breezes. His light green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. It was a perfect sight. I could watch him forever like this. I was definitely falling for him...but was he for me, too? I frowned at the thought. Both of us, at least I, was too nervous to break the ice. We walked silently through the whole way. Until, finally we reached school.

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