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The hallways were empty which meant everybody had gone to their respective classes. Technically, we weren't late because the teacher didn't arrive, yet. Me and Chase went and sat down next to each other. I looked around the room but couldn't see Olivia. Perhaps, she skipped school today. She wasn't really a regular person. She and I would often make plans of deciding a day when we'll both skip school. But we never bunked our classes. Doesn't make much difference, we still missed our lessons.

I wasn't worried, yet, because biology was the last class and I hopefully wouldn't have to see him any time soon. Chase had promised me that everything is going to be just fine. But I'm still not sure how.... guess, I was worried.

The past couple days have been really weird. They were spent with me either being worried, scared or crying. I wasn't normal. I'm usually a very cheerful and chatty person (no to brag) but now, I remain quiet and mostly down. And it's just because of that stupid biology teacher. How was he even hired, he's such a psycho! I was so into my thoughts that I didn't realise that the teacher entered the class and was already marking the attendance. Chase shook my hand slightly to get me to my senses. "Here." I said hastily.

"Sophia, don't worry. You know I'm here. Everything will be just fine, okay?" Chase whispered to me.

"I just can't get it out of my head. Knowing I have stay with him..." my face turned into a frown.

Chase held my hand and pressed it softly. His touch made the hair on the back of my neck stand immediately. I was blushing. His warm hands against my skin made me feel safer and forget everything going around me. Chase smiled at me and then let go of my hand. I came back to my senses as he left my hand and I shyly turned my head to the whiteboard in front of me.

The lesson was over and we both were so focussed that we didn't realise. Chase stood up and headed out of the class. I also stood up and followed him out. As he heard footsteps following him he turned around to find me. I stared at him for a few seconds then smiled awkwardly. He returned an even more awkward smile.

"I, uh.. thought I should stay close to you, you know, in case I encounter Mr. Harold..." I said stuttering.

Chase chuckled and said with an arched eyebrow, "Are you going to follow me to the toilet, too?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, yeah, you can have your privacy." I said turning away.

Chase left chuckling. I felt so stupid but at the same time I was giggling at the thought of it. Then, I remembered I had not laughed genuinely in a long time until now. I sighed without letting off my smile. I thought of waiting for Chase but my stomach was growling as didn't have any breakfast. So I turned to the cafeteria hoping Chase would come afterwards. As I was walking to the cafeteria, I passed by the principal's office. When I overheard someone. They seemed to be really worried, "I have to go, my brother had an accident!" I stopped and tried to peek inside when I saw a familiar figure standing in front of Principal Sanders. It was Mr. Harold. He was asking for a leave because his brother had an accident. Principal Sanders permitted him to go. Mr. Harold thanked him and turned to the door. I turned on my heels and ran for the cafeteria which was far enough for me not to reach it in time. So, I turned in the hallway and hid by the wall. Mr. Harold passed by me as I held my breath. But thankfully, he didn't notice me and frantically left. I sighed heavily and came out. I looked here and there but couldn't see Chase. Maybe, he already went to the cafeteria. So, I headed to the cafeteria to tell him what I just heard while eavesdropping.

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