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The time was passing really fast. My hand was moving so fast that it started aching. I glanced at the clock and realized I only had ten more minutes. I tried furiously to finish the test in time. After one or two minutes, Mr. Harold asked us, no, ordered us to put our pens down. I was so relieved to have finished the test. Mr. Harold came to me first to take my paper. He said, "hmm, I'll check this one first."

Luckily, my efforts and studying at the library finally paid off. And I was confident that I'll pass. "Sure" I replied confidently. After he collected all tests he left the class to go and check. Before leaving he said that the results will be announced tomorrow. Right after he left, a hand tapped my shoulder, I turned and it was Chase.

"Looks like it wasn't so bad." He said like he was more confident that I'll pass than me.

"Yeah, I am really relieved." I said with a big smile plastered on my face.

"Come on, let's get lunch." He said chuckling.

As we were leaving, Olivia slightly punched me on my back. I let out a questioning ouch. "Now, he's your best friend and not me!" Chase and I both chuckled. "No, we were just going to get lunch, you can come, too." I said still chuckling. "Okay!" She said excitedly, held my hand and started dragging me, like a child. I looked back at Chase to ask him if he wasn't coming. He said he'll be there in a few minutes, so we went without him.

Having Chase around made me feel relaxed I was afraid if I had feel... no, it's just because he had been really encouraging and nice to me. Nothing more, right? He was just being a good friend... however, deep down inside I was sad at this thought.


A/N: Sorry, for the very short chapter... I have been thinking of writing one chapter on Chase's POV, what do you think?

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