"Oh." Is all Logan could say, as her little mind was still taking it all in. Once she finally understood what her mother meant, she nodded. "That's sad." She replies with a frown. "It is." Lauren nodded.

"Can I give her some money?" Logan asked ecstatically. "Sure!" Lauren replied, proud of her daughter for understanding that some people are less fortunate than others. She noticed her daughter with a confused face for a moment. "Can I have some money first?" Lauren just chuckled a bit and pulled another twenty out of her handbag. "Yay!" Logan grabbed the money and ran to their front door. "C'mon mom!" She yelled for Lauren to hurry. "I'm coming baby." Lauren followed her crazy, yet adorable, child.

"Hi, this is for you." Logan timidly said to the mysterious girl. "Thank you."Camila squeaked out. It sounded like she hadn't talked in a while. "You're welcome! It's not my money. I don't have any." Logan frowned. "My mommy gave it to me to give to you! She said some people are less...for-ton-it than others." She tried to pronounce the 'hard' word. Camila didn't say anything back, but just gave the little girl a toothless smile.

So she is Lauren's daughter. Camila thought.

"I'm Logan! What's your name." Lauren was surprised that the girl hadn't told Logan to go away yet, with all her unnecessary yelling. The girl looked like she was trying to get the words out, but she just couldn't speak right away. "Camila." Is all she responded with. "It was nice to meet you Camilla." Logan responds saying her name wrong, even though Camila literally said it less than ten seconds ago.

"Mommy, I gave it!" She ran back to her mother, who had been watching the encounter from the apartment doors. "That's great, love" Logan then ran back into their building. Lauren didn't follow just yet though.

"She begged me to let her give you something." Lauren spoke up as she walked over to Camila. The brown eyed girl didn't say anything, she just smiled and nodded. "I'm Lauren. Lauren Jauregui."

"I know." Camila finally spoke. Camila's eyes widened and she regretted saying that right after those words came out. "Huh?" Lauren asked, confused. "I've seen you on magazine covers." She covered her slip up. "Oh, okay." Lauren responded.

"And you're?..." The older girl asked curiously. "Camila." The said girl let out.

"Nice to meet you, Camila." Yeah, meet, totally. "Do you have a last name?" Lauren asked with a chuckle, thinking that the girl just forgot to mention it. "Nope." Is all Camila replied with. Lauren's smile faded. "Oh. Well that's okay. That's just a possibility to make up your own, isn't it? Now you can have any last name you fancy." Lauren tried to brighten the mood.

"I guess you're right." Camila let out a small giggle. Which for some weird reason made Lauren's heart flutter a bit. That's a feeling she hasn't felt in a really long time. "Well, see ya later, Camila." She said backing up a bit. "Bye."

Something about that girl was different. Lauren didn't know what it was. But she just had to find out.


"Mommy! We're late!" Lauren woke up to her daughter screaming in her ear. "What?" A groggy Lauren sat up in her bed. She looked at her bedside clock. 8:30. "Shit!" Lauren cursed. "Mommy, that's a bad word."

"C'mon, honey. We're half an hour late for school." Lauren hurried. "You still have to have breakfast." She said as she ran into the kitchen. "I already ate!" Logan exclaimed proudly. "I can see that." Lauren says with her emerald orbs widened. She just looked at the island, covered in Lucky Charms cereal.

"I couldn't reach the bowls." Logan pointed to the cabinets, which the bowls were in. "I'll clean this up when I get home. Are you ready to go?" Logan just nodded. "Okay, c'mon." Lauren said starting toward the door.

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