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"Alexa. Alexa you come back here right this very minute!" Lynn shouted up the stairs.

"Oh leave her be hun, she's just excited that Uncle Brian and uncle Alex are coming over along with everyone else. This party is a big deal you know" 

"I know." Lynn sighed. "Thank you."

"For what?" 

"For everything. For being here and understanding. For loving me and accepting me and most of all, for agreeing to marry me. I love you Ansley Newman, so much!" She said as she leant in to kiss her wife to be. 

"But you love me too, right mummy!" The little voice from behind them made the pair jump but then they just started laughing. 

"Of course we do my little pumpkin, adopting you 4 years ago was the best thing I could have ever done and I'm so very happy that I did it" she said as she picked her up and squeezed her tight before smothering her face in kisses. Just then the doorbell rang as people started arriving. Tonight was not only Lynn and Ansley's engagement party but it was also a celebration of Lynn, Brian and Alex's 1st album going platinum in the States with their second album currently at number 1 in the alternative album charts! 

"Aunty Beth" Alexa screamed as she ran towards the door. Beth just laughed as she picked the little monkey up off the ground and swung her round in the air as she screamed with delight. 

"And look who else is here, Mr and Mrs Hemmings" Lynn said as she too made her way to the door after Ansley had opened it. Carly had walked in just behind Beth with Luke and their two kids, Isabel who was 3 and definitely a mummys girl and Jem who looked remarkably like his father and was 4 going on 5. Both of them ran straight off to go and play and soon everyone else had arrived and the house was swarming with adults drinking and kids running around under their feet and everyone from the original group was together for this night of celebration which went off without too many hitches. 

3 chimes were heard as Brian stood up and tapped his fork against his glass. 

"Uh hmm" he cleared his throat. "Good evening everyone. So we all know why we're here tonight, one reason being that those two lovely people over there have just got engaged and are soon to be married" He said as he gestured to Lynn and Ansley who were standing with each other at the side of the room and a massive applause erupted. "Now I for one am thoroughly looking forward to the wedding celebrations. But there's also another reason for you all being here tonight, and that's because our first album has gone platinum and has been number 1 in more than 40 countries and it's all because of that creative genius over there, who doesn't quite know just how amazing she is!" Lynn blushed and smiled as Brian continued. "So before we continue with out night I'd like to slow down the party mood if that's okay with you Lynn, and I'd like to play the very first song that that was on our very first demo and the song that started all of this off for us" Brian looked to Lynn for confirmation to play the song and when she nodded her head he pressed the play button and Waking Up started playing. As the couples moved together to slow dance, Lynn headed over to the small balcony at the side of the room and as she leant over the barrier she looked up at the stars. Memories of Alexa floated over her mind but they were all happy one's and she couldn't help but smile and think that Alexa would be happy for her now. 

"Hey, there you are, I was looking for you" Ansley said as she came outside. 

"I just needed some air" Lynn replied. 

"Are you okay?" Ansley asked worried.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. All good." She smiled. 

"Okay good. Wanna go dance?"

"Sure" Lynn smiled as she took her fiancés hand as they walked back in to dance the rest of the night away. 


A/N: OMG so that's it, it's all over! Thank you so much to all of you who have read this story,  I know it was an emotional rollercoaster and I promise my next story is definitely going to be more chill and I'm currently planning it all out as well as planning some one shots for the not too distant future. But anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this story, I know some of it was rushed a little but I'm still super proud of it and I hope you all like what's to come! ^.^ 

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