Chapter 9 - Intimacy

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Author's Note: Double update, aren't you lucky and oh my god this chapter is so long! It's about 2,000 words and I've already updated today! Anyway, I hope you enjoy as I'm not sure how long till my next update.

Warning: There is girlxgirl/lesbian smut in the latter of the second half so if you don't like that kind of thing then please skip! Its marked by the *** 


Lynn was in the process of getting ready, she had already had a shower and washed her hair, so she put it up in a wet bun whilst she did her makeup. She kept it simple with a neutral eyeshadow, liquid liner and mascara with some slight blush to give her a little bit of colour. Then she applied a red lip tint for a natural look. Then she took her hair down, added some sea salt spray and gave it a rough blow dry so that she had some volume and texture, then styled it to the side like she did almost every day. Whilst doing this she reminded herself that she needed to get her sides re shaved as it had been a couple of weeks and it was getting a bit long for her liking. Then she put on her new outfit and converse. She took a deep breath in and decided to go and ask Carly if she looked okay.

As she made her way through the halls she could hear strange music coming from Carlys room. She knocked lightly to get someones attention however it didn't work so she tried the door. She opened it to find Beth and Carly dancing around like loons with Luke, Michael, Ashton and Calum all lying on her bed.

"What the hell are you guys listening to?" Lynn almost shouted over the music

"Honkey Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkins" Beth replied, panting out of breath from all the jumping up and down. Lynn just shook her head at her her crazy friends.

"So, anyway, I just came to ask you how I look beacuse I'm shitting it here guys, what if the surprise doesn't go well?" Lynn asked with worry in her voice.

"You look amazing and you'll be fine." Carly said. "And remember, if she makes you cry in any way other than happy tears she's gonna end up in a dumpster!"

"Oh, and no tongue with butt!" shouted michael. This made Lynn laugh and after she was reassured she was okay, she went back to her room to grab a jacket and everything else that she needed so that she could go and set everything up for the date. She glanced at her watch thrice and seeing that it was only 6 o'clock, couldn't wait for 7.30 to arrive.

The date was taking place at Beth's parents house, it was only a 10 minute walk away from campus yet she still had a dorm room because she wanted to move out and have her own space. Beth's parents were away  for two months skiing in the Alps and so Beth suggested that Lynn use her place to have the date as she had a huge open tree house at the bottom of her garden which she thought would be cute to decorate and eat pizza in, plus Lynn could use the kitchen to make everything she needed. Beth had phoned her parents to check and they said it would be okay as long as everything was put back where it should be and left tidy.

The short walk to the house was over and it wasn't long before Lynn got right to the prep, she went to the tree house an layed out a blanket with cushions and hung up some lights to set the atmosphere. Then she went inside to cook the pizza. Once they were in the oven, she saw that it was 7.15 so she decided to lock up, walk back to campus and meet Alexa so they could walk back to Beth's.

Alexa stood at the fountain and glanced at her phone, it was 25 past and Lynn would be here any minute. She made sure to leave work and get to the fountain early as she didn't want to be late for Lynn, the last thing she wanted to do was upset her after she just won her back. She was intruiged as to what Lynn was planning because she hadn't let on any clues so she was completely in the dark about it all. It was approaching half past and Alexa could just make out a flushed figure walking towards her. Her face lit up as did Lynn's and as Lynn reached her she slowed down. They embraced in a hug and Alexa kissed Lynn lightly on the nose.

Hole In My Chest - Lynn Gunn/Alexa San RomanWhere stories live. Discover now