Chapter 5 - The Meeting

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry I've been terrible and neglected this story for over a month! x_x I've just been so busy with school work but I just dropped a subject so I should have a little more free time to start updating about once a week again. Anyway I hope this kind of makes up for it, enjoy! (Its over 1000 words)


Lynn was pacing in Carly and Beths room, she was feeling anxious and was having second thoughts about going to meet with Alexa by Starbucks but she knew she had to. She didnt know why but when she was getting ready she found herself making an effort to look really good. She was in two minds as to what it meant, either she wanted to impress Alexa to win her back though she knew Alexa still had feelings for her (or did she? Lynn didnt really know) or to show her just exactly what she missed out on. After asking Beth and Carly multiple times if she looked okay and them telling her that she looked perfectly fine, she took a deep breath and left the room. Lynn crossed the dorm building and out onto the field, it was a mild night, warm with just a cool breeze that blew through Lynn's Hair. She walked for a good 10 minutes, contemplating what she would say to Alexa, or whether she should let Alexa start the conversation and go from there. In the end she decided the second option was the better one seeing as it was Alexa who requested that she meet with her and not the other way round. 

Lynn made it to Starbucks 10 minutes before the meeting time. She didnt send a text to confirm that she would meet her, in fact she hadn't even looked at the number or put it in her phone, she simply left it in her dorm and figured that Alexa would wait either way. She didnt want to arrive early and so she just stood outside for 10 minutes but as she did it got colder and so before going to wait outside by the employee exit she decided she'd go inside and grab a hot drink as she thought Alexa would be out back getting off her shift so she wouldnt see her.

She went in and ordered the same as before but as she was paying something caught her attention in the corner of her eye. Just past the coffee machines she made out two figures, one being Alexa and the other being a gorgeous south american both in a very close proximity to each other. From where Lynn was standing it looked like they were being very intimate. She looked away for a second to give the cashier the money and when she looked back she felt her heart drop. Alexa and the other girl were kissing. Lynn couldnt stand to watch, she took her order which was ready and left. As she stormed away from the building back towards campus she felt warm tears flow down her cheeks and it wasn't long before she was sobbing and heading straight to Carly and Beths room. She couldnt believe Alexa had done that after she told Lynn that she still loved her. Well if there was any doubt about Alexas affections towards her there wasn't any doubt left now, there was no way Alexa would have kissed that other girl otherwise. A part of Lynn didn't really blame Alexa, from what she saw the other girl was a gorgeous, tanned latino girl with jet black hair and an amazing figure, but the other part of Lynn was completely irrational in this state and this just confirmed she did still have feelings for Alexa otherwise her heart wouldnt be hurting so much now.

She made it back to the dorms and as soon as she got to Carly and Beths room she knocked on the door loudly but had to knock repeatedly, she really needed some comfort right now. once the door eventually opened she realised Carly and her boyfriend Luke were having a date night meaning beth would be off with Ashton somewhere.

"Oh, I'm sorry" she sniffled, "I didnt mean to interrupt"

"Oh no it's fine, you can come in" Carly said. Luke looked a little annoyed and rolled his eyes so Carly kicked him out as she could clearly see that her new friend was distressed and needed comfort and reassurance. Lynn then proceeded to tell Carly the event of what happened after calming down and with sympathy Carly told her that she deserved better. And with that Lynn nodded and proceeded to go to her own room to sleep, or so that was what she inteded but when she arrived at her own rom she found Alexa sitting in front of the door looking sad. Lynn just huffed, put on a brave face and walked towards her, at the sound of feet Alexa stood up and looked at her.

"You didnt come" she said with a sad expression. "I though you stood me up, though you didnt confirm it and it wasn't a date" she rambled on, "So I came here" she added quickly. Lynn didn't say anything but the tears were threatening to reemerge. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" Alexa asked concerned as she noticed the change and took a step towards Lynn who instinctively flinched away. "Has something happened? You know you can tell me right?" she said but kept her distance this time. Lynn just shook her head and tried to push past her but alexa caught her arm. "We still need to talk you know."

"Just leave me alone, I want you gone and out of my life for good" Lynn just said looking down with a monotone expression. When Alexa didn't let go of Lynn's arm she yanked it away and out of her grip alomst like her touch was burning her skin. "I said I want you gone, now! I Don't ever want to see you again!" And with that Lynn went into her room and slammed the door locking it behind her. The words hit Alexa harder then she would ever have realised something like that would. Of course she didn't think Lynn would give in to her easily but she never though Lynn would never want to see her again, after all she was making effort to win her back over. It never even crossed her mind that Lynn did actually show and saw the exchange between her and another girl at her workplace, besides it wasn't what it looked like, or was it?

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