Chapter 7 - Approved

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Author's Note: Woo I'm updating! Thank the fact that I have free study periods and very little homework for once. This is a bit of a filler chapter but the next few chapters should be good, cute and maybe a little bit of smut ;) (But I'll warn you of those chapters). Enjoy!


A couple of days later and everything had been working out fine. The meeting went smoothly and it was just to set some ground rules so that neither Lynn nor Alexa would get hurt and Lynn had to be sure Alexa wouldn't cheat again. Alexa had admitted in this time to being bisexual instead of gay which of course Lynn had accepted and now she understood why she had cheated on her with a guy, she just wanted to make sure that it wouldn't happen again.

They had been seeing each other often inbetween Lynn's Uni work and Alexa's job at Starbucks and every day they were growing closer and closer. Alexa had also started to become more friendly with Carly although she would still give her the cold shoulder if she did something Carly didn't like. Getting on with the others was a little bit easier though.

A week after their offical relationship had started Lynn decided that it was probably best she call her parents to let them know that she was seeing Alexa again. It was a risky move calling them so soon into their new relationship but she knew that she had to because if they found out on their own they would be furious, and she also realised that she hadn't spoken to her mum in a while and she was probably worried sick after not hearing from Lynn for a couple of weeks.

Lynn was currently lying on her bed supposed to be writing an essay on microphone placement when recording but instead she grabbed her phone and dialed the familiar number.

"Hey mum, it's me" she said shakily down the phone.

"Oh Lynn, my baby, how are you? I haven't heard anything from you in weeks, I was starting to get worried!" her mum practically cried down the phone.

"Mum I'm fine, you don't neeed to worry"

"I know but I'm your mother I can't help but worry about you. How's all your Uni work, your not getting behind are you?"

"No it's fine, I'm on top of it all"

"Oh that's good to hear, Oh I'm so proud of you!"

"Haha, thanks. Listen mum, there's actually something I need to tell you. Can you please promise to stay calm?" Lynn asked hesitantly.

"Of course dear you can tell me anything" Her mother replied. Lynn took a deep breathe in.

" you know Alexa and I broke up and we moved away so that I could move on?"

"Oh hunny, have you got yourself a new girlfriend? Aw you didn't need to worry about that, I'm happy for you!" her mum explained.

"No mum, she's not exactly a 'new' girlfriend"

"Oh, what do you mean?" her mother asked confused.

"Well, Alexa may or may not have followed us to California and we may or may not be back together..." Lynn trailed off with a nervous laugh.

"I, um, don't know what to say other than I'm not very happy about this but I suppose if you know what you're doing and your being careful then I can't stop you. Your an adult now and need to be making your own decisions. I just want you to know that I support in everything you do, just be careful okay?" lynn sighed in relief, her mum had taken it batter than she thought.

"Yes I know what I'm doing and we're both being adult about this you don't need to worry and yes we're taking it slow to begin with as well. I have good friend here to protect me as well just in case anything does happen." Lynn replied just reassuring her mother.

"Okay hunny, I trust you know what your doing. Anyway I guess I had better let you go so you can finish that essay your not currently writing. Don't forget I know you Lynn, my little procrastinator." They both let out a chuckle

"Okay mum, I love you, bye."

"Love you too baby. Bye." And with that Lynn hung up the phone. Her mum had just approved their relationahip and it looked like everything was on it's way up from here.

For the rest of the day Lynn finished her essay before phoning Alexa to tell her the good news. She then decided that to celebrate she wanted to arrange their first official date since being back together and so that's what she did with the help of beth, Carly and the others.

Hole In My Chest - Lynn Gunn/Alexa San RomanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu