Chapter 2 - It really is!

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Authors Note: I'm really shitty I'm so sorry! I know this should have been posted yesterday if not before but there was literally no time to write this week. I wrote this last night at 1 am GMT time so I hope you guys enjoy. I appreciate its probably not my best piece of work and that its not that long but hopefully it will be okay. Have fun reading! 

(FYI I'm British and attempting to set this in America so if I get any of the facts wrong throughout the entire story then please feel free to correct me and I shall change it)


Later on that day, Lynn found herself in the common room of her dorm with everyone from the music club, after discovering that the girls were staying in the same building just on different floors and the guys were staying in the building just across from theirs. As it turned out, there were a lot more people in the group then Lynn had initially realised - There was Carly (she was the one with the blue hair from before) and her boyfriend Luke (the one with the lip ring). His band mates Calum, Michael and Ashton with his girlfriend Beth. Brian, Alex B, Alex G, Jack (with Alex G and Jack being a couple), Tay and Jenna (also a couple) and Josh and Tyler (who were kind of a couple but too shy to admit that they liked each other). 

After introducing herself to the few of them that were at the table earlier, Lynn immediately clicked with the 4 girls, becoming the fifth girl and 15th member of the group! Even though it was a large group, everyone had their closest friends within it, so usually such a large number wasn't an issue. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent just chilling after an exhausting day, talking about bands and common interests between them. Funny stories were shared and many of the group had heard them all before but were repeated for Lynn's benefit. 

After a while, some seemingly drunk fresher ran into the room raving about how there was an amazing frat party going on in a boys building across campus before running out again to scream about it to everyone else in the building. Most of the group couldn't really be asked to move from where they were all sat (being the lazy bunch they are) and so decided to bring out the alcohol to play 'never have I ever'. 

In all honesty Lynn admitted to the group that she had only ever played this game twice before in her life and that the second time it didn't end well, however she was persuaded into it by Carly saying that it was be a good way just to let loose as well as getting to know the group slightly better. By this point all Lynn wanted to do was get the incident from earlier on out of her mind and so she agreed. 

She messaged her mum first saying that she was okay, that she had successfully managed to move everything into her room (which luckily wasn't a shared room) and that she had made some friends already, just because she knew that if she didn't text her mum now she would wake up to a billion calls from her mother and she figured she would end up too drunk to message her later.

"Alright, who's up first?" Micheal shouted, after the first round of shots were poured. It was almost like a shot roulette with the amount of different types of alcohol that they had but that just made it more interesting, and more likely for them all to receive hangovers in the morning as well for mixing their drinks and spirits. 

"I'll go!" Alex B replied. "Hmmm...okay. Never have I ever...had sex with another guy." He said with a smirk.

"That's complete and utter bullshit!" said Jenna. Alex just raised an eyebrow and took the shot because everyone knew that he was lying. Pretty much everyone took the shot besides Tay and Lynn and when everyone looked at her after she didn't drink, she just said "What? I don't swing that way." And just like that the game continued. Though most of them did wonder how even if she was gay, she hadn't slept with a guy to a least try it or  whilst being drunk.

When it finally got to Lynn's turn, she was struggling of something to say, but by this point they were all so pissed that they were saying things that they had done rather then what they hadn't done, just to consume more liquor. As much as Lynn had wished the alcohol would make her forget the earlier event of the day when she was in the elevator, it did the opposite and she couldn't stop thinking about it.

She finally came out with "Never have I ever had my heart broken." And as everyone took their shots, standing right there in front of her was the one person she really did not want to see at that precise moment in time, Alexa.

Lynn looked up from her shot and their eyes locked. There was no avoiding it now, they had both seen each other in plain sight with many questions running around both of their minds, Lynn more than Alexa, but nevertheless they were both in the same place at the same time when neither of them expected it. 

"Lynn, is that you? Oh God it is, it really is!" Alexa called out, but she had barely even finished before Lynn was bolting out of the room heading towards her own in floods of tears. 

Hole In My Chest - Lynn Gunn/Alexa San RomanWhere stories live. Discover now