Chapter 15 - Party Shock

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A/N: I'm so sorry, I've been so busy that I put this story on a small hiatus without telling you guys and it ended up longer than I anticipated. This should be a longer chapter and I will definitely finish this story.

Also, please don't be mad with me for the end of this chapter or for the end of the story, this was all always planned from the beginning.


Alexa and Lynn didn't intend to sleep through the night after yesterday but they did so when they awoke, it was morning. They were clearly both more exhausted than they realised!

"Morning sleepy head" Alexa said as she smiled down at Lynn who had just started stretching but hadn't opened her eyes. 

"Mmrng" She yawned. Alexa laughed at the inaudible sound that her girlfriend had just made. Lynn sat up and placed a gentle kiss on Alexa's lips, and just as Alexa was about to deepen it, Lynn pulled away with a smirk. "Hmm, nope. Your gonna have to come and get me first" She whispered before grabbing her robe from the floor and running out the door. She had just managed to get it on whilst running to the kitchen before arms snaked round her from behind. Alexa had caught her and was now picking her up and spinning her around. Lynn squealed and laughed before Alexa put her down.

"How about now?" She asked as her arms were around Lynn's waist.

"Mmm, alright then" She replied as she leant in to start making out with Alexa. After a few minutes of just sweet kissing, they pulled away so that they could both get something to eat seeing as neither of them had since lunch the previous day. They walked into the kitchen, Lynn heading to the fridge to get the bacon out and Alexa going to the cupboard to get the plates and cutlery. Lynn had thought ahead to today and wanted to cook a full english for the pair. Once it was cooked and ready, she plated it up and they both sat on the sofa and put the TV on. 

"So what's the plan today then?" Alexa asked since she wasn't really aware. 

"Well it's only 10am now and we have until this evening before we have to be at Jacks, so I guess we had better go shopping first as we didn't get round to it yesterday and maybe grab some lunch while we're out, and then come back to get ready" Lynn suggested. Alexa agreed that that sounded like a good idea so they both went to get changed to go out. 

A little while later they found themselves in Hot Topic. 

"What about this one?" Alexa asked as she held up Bring Me The Horizon tank.

"Mmm, I like it" Lynn hummed as she searched the railings herself. She was intending to wear her converse and black ripped skinny jeans, she was just in need of a top, while Alexa wanted a whole new outfit. 

"Babe, what about this?" She called out to Lynn as she showed her a black shirt with thin white stripes. 

"Oh you know me too well" Lynn said as she took the shirt from her girlfriend. "I'll go try it on." Whilst Alexa was waiting she went and paid for her own clothes and then Lynn cam out and paid for the shirt and some new wristbands. Once they were done they headed out and found a small cafe to sit outside and eat lunch at. 

"So what do you want to do about driving tonight? Seeing as Jacks is too far to walk and I doubt anyone will want to give us a lift." Alexa asked as they sat down. 

"Well I was thinking that maybe I could have a few drinks before we go and you drive us there and then you can drink actually at the party and by the end of the night I'll be sober enough to drive us both home? We can't really afford a taxi back at the moment so this is probably the best option" Lynn replied. They had just used up most of the money that was left on the new clothes and Alexa wasn't being paid for another 3 days so Lynn figured that she wouldn't mind only having one drink whilst they were there as it would still be a good night with her friends. She also wasn't too much of a drinker anyway now considering her past history with alcohol and so she always knew when to stop.

"Are you sure babe? I don't mind being the one not to necessarily drink" 

"It's fine don't worry, you did that last month so now its my turn. It's only fair!" Lynn stated as food arrived. They didn't stay out too much longer so by the time they got back home it was about 3pm and they had plenty of time. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower" Said Lynn when they got in the door.

"Mind if I join?" Asked Alexa with a smirk.

"Not at all" Lynn said as she winked at her girlfriend. Lynn made her way into the bathroom and set the shower on, making sure it was the right temperature before stepping in, and waited for Alexa to join her. Lynn had already started washing her hair and so let out a little squeal when she felt a pair of arms slink round her waist for the 2nd time today. Alexa had made her jump but she just as quickly relaxed into her embrace and sighed deeply when she felt a pair of lips kiss the nape of her neck. Shower sex was always great, however it often meant a cold shower by the end of it if they stayed in there too long, and that's exactly what happened. 

Once they were both out, Lynn put on underwear only before doing her makeup so as to not get any on her clothes, which was something that often happened. Alexa dried her hair first which didn't take long and then they switched places. They jammed out to Blink 182 whilst getting ready and once they were done they made sure they had everything they needed before getting in the car. 

It took around 25 minutes in the car to Jacks house and they arrived at about 6.30pm. 

"Hey, you guys are here. C'mon in!" Jack said as he opened the door. The girls laughed as they could tell he had already been drinking. A few of the squad were there already such as Josh, Tyler, Jenna and Tay as well as some other people from some of their classes but the rest had yet to arrive.  Lynn went into the kitchen to grab her one and only alcoholic drink of the night as well as getting one for Alexa.

Only 20 minutes in and the party was in full swing. There were people everywhere, sweaty bodies dancing to the music, people outside drinking and smoking, people in bedrooms doing things you don't want to know and then there some people in the basement playing beer pong on the pool table, which was where Lynn and Alexa could be found cheering on Jack as he desperately tried to beat his boyfriend Alex. 

Unfortunately Jack lost and went upstairs in a sulk. Alex went after him to try and console him, he knew he wasn't really mad and Jack would use his win to get sex, which he was all too happy to oblige to.

Everyone had turned up by now along with some gate crashers, but Jack didn't really care as his policy was the more the merrier when it came to parties. Although this did mean that the basement was now very crowded so Lynn took a stumbling Alexa upstairs and outside to get some air. She breathed a sigh of relief when they finally made it, pushing their way through the sweaty dancing bodies. Alexa sat on the grass and just started giggling.

"Maybe I should take you home now" Lynn said as she sat down beside her girlfriend who had now lay down on her back as she looked up at the stars.

"Nooo... I wanna stay" Alexa pouted.

"Okay, we can stay but we leave at 1 no later, you've already drunk too much." Just as Lynn had said that, Alexa rolled over to her side and puked on the grass. Lynn just groaned as she made Alexa sit up so she could hold her hair. "Now we're definitely going home, we need to get you cleaned up" She mumbled and sighed. "Wait here while I go inside and say goodbye" Lynn got up and left Alexa there knowing that she was probably so out of it that she wouldn't move and if she was sick again it wouldn't necessarily matter as she it would just be onto the ground.

A few minutes later and Lynn came back with her keys in hand and picked Alexa up, helping her stumble to the car. After helping Alexa into the passenger seat Lynn jumped into the drivers side and started the car up. Not even 5 minutes into the drive and Alexa had passed out. Lynn glanced at her girlfriend as she came to a stop at some traffic lights. As it turned green she hit the accelerator just before everything went black. 

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