Chapter 10 - The Beach (Part 1)

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Author's Note: Hi guys, sorry I finished this on my phone so it's not great and the smut will be continued in the next chapter :)

Edit: Just also wanna quickly say that I have an idea for another story. It will be loosly based on real events but it will probably be a Lynn and original character fic and tbh it will probably end up better thought out than this one! But anyway, I don't intend to start that until this is finished or almost finished, even if that is still for a little while because, not giving anything away, but from the title of this story something major will happen relatively soon, so I look forward to writing that. Anyways, enjoy ^.^


It was two days after Lynn and Alexa's date at Beth's house and all was well between them. In fact they had never been so loved up, and it was making everyone feel sick.

It was coming up to a week's break of lectures and courses (though they were all still expected to do work). And it was decided that everyone should take a trip down to the beach for a day or two, and I mean everyone! (Squad goals). Carly's parents had a beach house on the coast that everyone could stay in. It would be a tight squeeze and mean some people would be on the sofas and on the floor as there were only 4 bedrooms with 3 double beds and a single, but no one was complaining as there were only going there to let off some steam and have some fun.  (ie they were gonna get pissed).

They needed half a day to travel there, as they were heading to Monterey Bay. Those in the group who could drive took a full car of people, whether it was their own car or their parents who were kind enough to let them borrow theirs.
After making sure they had everything they needed, they packed everything into the cars and off they went. The journey was different for everyone who was in different cars but they stuck together on the road, only stopping when someone needed the toilet.

Lynn and Alexa were in a car with Luke, Carly and Michael, who was driving. As they were nearing the coast, Luke saw some penguins (his favourite animal) and started getting excited. They pulled over to stop for a few minutes so that he could have a proper look, seeing as they were slightly ahead of the others.

One daring penguin decided it would go up to them as it seemed curious of the people standing in front of it. As it edged closer towards Michael, it suddenly surged forwards and grabbed the bandanna that was hanging out of his pockets before running away with it.

"Hey, give that back, that's mine!" Michael shouted after it, but he couldn't run to get it back as the penguin slipped through a hole in a fence that led directly to the sea.

"Sorry mate, looks like that's a goner" Alexa said as her and Lynn couldn't stop laughing. Michael looked sad as Luke tried to console him.

"Don't be mad at it, all penguins have criminal tendencies" said Luke as he tried not to laugh at one of his best mates.

"How is that supposed to help me feel better?" Michael asked before the other cars pulled up behind them.  Everyone else got out and Carly explained what had happened, and after 5 minutes of Michael sulking and the rest laughing their arses off, they decided to get going again so that they could get back with enough time to set up a barbecue.

They got to the house and while the girls started unloading the stuff from the car, the lads started with the food, with Ashton taking charge of the cooking of the BBQ and Alex B and Brian taking charge of lighting the fire pit.

After Carly had shown everyone where they would be sleeping, she and the girls all went outside. Once all the food was cooked, they all sat on blankets around the fire to eat before Carly and Luke snuck off to the master bedroom.

It was getting dark now and out came the beer, and before they knew it they were all running around like loons, playing silly games in the sand except for Jenna and Tay who were making smores for everyone. They all sat back down again, Lynn and Alexa cuddling together under a blanket. Beth noticed that Michael was smirking and blushing down at his phone.

"Hey Mikey, what you gushing over?" She asked suggestively raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, um, er,, nothing" He stammered as he turned a deep red. Jack, who was the most drunk, ran over to him and took his phone right out of his hands. "Jack, stop! Please don't read it!" Michael said as he tried to take it back.

"Ooo, looks like someone's being frisky" he smirked as he made his way over to Calum, "Isn't he, my little Calbear, aka SugarDaddy number 4?" At this everyone broke out laughing, whilst Calum also turned bright red.

"Its not what it looks like!" Michael shouted trying to defend himself.
"Sexting is never platonic" Jack retaliated as he chucked Michael's phone back, grabbed Alex's hand and skipped off into the darkness to do god knows what. Well now it was out in the open, Michael and Calum took this as the chance to go off and do their own thing, seeing as they had just been sexting.

Josh and Tyler were in their own little world down by the sea front, Jenna and Tay had now fallen asleep on the blanket they were on, Alex and Brian had gone off in search of more alcohol and Ashton and Beth decided to go in early. This just left Lynn and Alexa awake by the fire.

Their hands were entwined and Lynn's head rested in the crook of Alexa's neck. She nuzzled in closer and lightly kissed her in her sensitive spot, before applying more pressure, eliciting a small moan from Alexa's lips. She hummed softly in approval as Lynn became more intense, using her tongue and lightly nipping at Alexa's skin every now and then. This was sure to leave a dark mark come the morning. Alexa took her spare hand to lift Lynn's chin up so that he face was in light with hers. Both of their eyes, lit by the fire, were filled with love shortly before Alexa's eyes burnt with lust. As is washed over her she crashed her lips against hers, moaning at the relief. She had wanted her all day and Lynn's assault on her neck just now has turned her on even more. 

After a brief heated kiss, Alexa took Lynn's hand and pulled her up before pulling her up leading her into the house. They' could hear noises from behind closed doors and both smirked as they knew what was going on, but they didn't care too much as they were both too horny now and they were a very open group of friends so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

They were lucky enough they had been given a double bed, though Jenna and Tay were supposed to be on the floor, however they were still asleep by the fire so for now they had the room to themselves and as Lynn closed the door behind them, Alexa was already stripping.

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