Chapter 13 - Moving in

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A/N: Sorry this is up a hell of a lot later than I wanted it to be but I've had a really busy weekend and right now we have some family issues so I'm writing as a distraction, but I hope you like it! Don't forget there is a time skip now to move the story forward. This is a bit of a filler chapter though too and I'm also sorry if it feels like things are moving  a little too quickly in this chapter, I just really want to get onto the next one which will be very long and emotional just to pre warn you, like worse than Lynn's flashback to the accident emotional (and if that doesn't give you a clue either then I don't know what else will!) 


It was 2 months later and the group were ever tighter after the Nando's incident. Lynn and Alexa were happy and had the healthiest relationship they had ever had, they had become far closer than they ever were before. On top of that Lynn was producing top of the class work for her music course and her, Alex and Brian had decided to form a band with the intention of making their own music, meaning there were now two bands in the friendship group. Carly and Beth were still Lynn's best friends within the group and even Alexa was getting on better with Carly than she was before. 

As Alexa had her own apartment just off campus, about a 15 minute walk away, Lynn had been spending most of her time there. In fact, she was considering moving in with Alexa and out of her dorm room for the new semester. 

She had discussed it at length with both her parents and the group, who supported her as she would still be spending much of her time on campus and they all had regular meets and nights in, in the common room of the girls dorm (mostly). So she was currently starting to move some of her stuff over, though this involved having to use Alexa's car to transport it. 

"You know your room is extremely deceptive right?" Chuckled Alexa as she took one of the boxes from Lynn to carry it. "I don't understand how so much stuff can fit into one small space" She added as they started walking towards the elevator. 

"I know, I can't believe I even threw away many of my belongings whilst moving in here, so there's actually a lot less stuff than there would have been if I didn't" Lynn replied. They were now walking out of the building towards the car. Alex's boot was mostly full now and there was even stuff on the back seats yet they were still going to have to make another couple of trips as the car was only a small one. Lynn couldn't help but feel a small sense of de ja vu as it wasn't too long ago she was doing the same thing but with her stuff from her parents house to her dorm not from her dorm to Alexa's apartment. 

Alexa's apartment was in a small block that only had 4 floors with only one apartment on each floor. Her's was the third floor. The apartment building and the apartment itself were both pretty small but they were cute and cosy at the same time. There was nothing fancy about it but then again neither of them needed anything fancy, let alone the fact that they couldn't afford it. The flat simply had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and an open/joint kitchen, dining and living area. 

For the moment, they were putting the majority of Lynn's things into the spare room due to space, though she would mostly be sleeping in Alexa's room. Half of Alexa's wardrobe had already become Lynn's as every time she came over she would just wear Alexa's clothing, however she would like to put some of her own clothes in there too. 

After several trips back and forth, most of Lynn's things had been moved over. Tired of the car, Lynn walked back to campus to get her final bag and to tell the administrations office that from the new term that would start next month, her room would be free to anyone waiting on the on campus accommodation list. 

The new term would be the last of her first year at Uni and then there would be a long summer break before coming back. Lynn didn't really know how she wanted to spend most of her time off yet, however she knew that a lot of it would obviously be spent with Alexa and some of it would definitely be spent with Alex and Brian, working on songs and trying to get some gigs in the local music scene. Luke and the other guys said they would recommend them and help them out seeing as they were already out playing in bars and clubs. 

To celebrate the end of the current semester, rather than go away like they had done before, they were going to throw a party at Jack's parents house as they were going away for a week to New York. Jack hadn't told them but considering this was Jack, his parents figured that he would have a party even if they said no and there wasn't really anything they could do to stop him. It was still a little over a week away but everyone was looking forward too it! 

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