Chapter 6 - Misunderstanding Resolved

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Author's Note: Ah I'm so sorry I haven't updated again in ages, I kind of lost a little motivation for this story. But anyway it was my baby's birthday yesterday (Lynn's) and she was 22 so Happy Birthday Lynn! And you all have my friend Carly (who is featured in this story) to thank for this update as she kept pestering me and getting mad until I did and I finally have, so enjoy :)


Alexa was frozen with raw emotion, she felt like she couldn't move her whole body for fear of crumbling and breaking down into pieces. Instead she had to put up with standing still, feet glued to the ground outside Lynn's door listening to her sobs. A tear left her own eye and made its way down her face, past her lips and then off the bottom of her jaw line. She wiped the remanence of it away and inhaled deeply.

Maybe she should give up? Maybe she really wasn't good enough for Lynn after all this time. Lynn deserved better than her, after all she was the shittiest girlfriend on the planet to her why on earth would Lynn ever want to take her back?

She decided that wasn't good enough for her, she at least needed to try once more to win Lynn's heart back and if she failed she vowed to herself that she would move on. All she wanted was Lynn to be happy, even if that regrettably meant without her.

Alexa wasn't really the biggest fan of Lynn's new friends but then again that was most likely because she had never really spoken to them properly. She decided to seek out Beth and Carly, she needed to know how exactly to win her back. She knew Lynn will have confided with them, that's just the type of person she was, and maybe, just maybe if she could get them to talk then she could find out the reason Lynn had just pushed her away. Thinking about Lynn's words cut through Alexa like a knife, but she still needed to know the real reason Lynn had told her she never wanted to see her again. As far as she was aware she hadn't done anything wrong but she was prepared to put everything on the line just for one last chance.

Not knowing where Carly and Beth's room was, Alexa decided to seek them out in the common room. Big mistake. As soon as she entered she felt someone pull on her hair.

"Ow what the fuck?!" She cried out in pain as turned around just to get a punch in the eye to see the angry face of Lynn's new best friend.

"You complete and utter bitch!" Carly yelled, now being restrained by Luke and Beth. "What the hell did you think you were doing? She saw you know you lying piece of shit. She actually went to go and give you the benefit of the doubt after you confessed you still love her and then what do you go and do?" she snarled. "You go and fucking kiss another girl right before your supposed to meet her." She spat out. Realisation hit Alexa in the face like a tidal wave.

"Shit" was all she could mutter.

"Too right shit" Carly said in reply shaking Luke and Beth off her arms to set her free however they only loosened their grip when they thought Carly had calmed down enough, there was no way they wanted an angry black belt kick boxer on the loose busting up Lynn's ex. If Carly had it her way Alexa would probably be unconscious by now, luckily the worst she would end up with was a headache and a black eye.

"It wasn't what it looked like" she mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Beth asked, trying to be more civil than her friend.

"Exactly that, it wasn't what it looked like." Alexa replied with a monotone voice. "I didn't kiss another girl, hell I would never do that to Lynn, not while I'm still in love with her!" her speech starting to pick up more emotion. "I was close to Sofia because I was giving her a hug; I was only comforting her because her Father's in hospital in Mexico with her boyfriend while she's stuck here working a shitty job just to pay their hospital bills. God she's not even gay she's as straight as the road from here to hell!" she exclaimed. She could understand though how from a distance it could look like something more and yes they were intimate but it was nothing more than a simple hug. "Honestly our relationship is nothing more than platonic, you can call her and find out for yourself. Please believe me!" Alexa said desperately.

"I do believe you Lexi" At the sound of that voice Alexa turned to the door and stared at the beautiful tear stained face that was Lynn, she didn't like to think that it was her that caused those tears but her heart fluttered at the nickname that hadn't been used since Alexa left Lynn. She smiled weakly.

"How much did you hear?" Alexa asked.

"Enough to know the truth." Lynn looked down at her hands as Alexa took a step forward, but not too close as she received a warning glare from Carly who was standing besides Luke as he tried to keep her from doing anything rash.

"So, you really came?" Alexa asked with a little laugh earning a small smile from the younger girl.

"Yeah, I did." There was a pause before she continued "I'm sorry I ran away so quickly, I never gave you the chance to explain and I know we're not officially together anymore and the meeting was only to talk things through so you have every right to be with someone other than me, I just couldn't stand seeing you with someone else which is weird cause I thought I was over you when I'm not and..." Alexa didn't give Lynn the chance to finish her ramble; hearing that Lynn still had feelings for her was all she needed to hear before she crashed her lips against Lynn's. It took Lynn by surprise as well as everyone else in the room but fireworks exploded and electricity ran through both their bodies. Neither of them had had this kind of physical contact since they broke up and they both melted into the kiss but before things could get too heated there was a loud cough which made them jump apart. They both stared down at their hands before looking up at each other.

Lynn looked Alexa in the eyes, "we still need to talk things over before, you know..." she trailed off.

"Yeah I know" Alexa replied with a small laugh. They both smiled and Alexa took Lynn hand in her own before they turned to face the rest of the room. Most people had smiles on their faces besides Carly who sent a look to Alexa that said 'if you hurt my best friend again then your fucking dead' to which all Alexa could do was nod her head in her direction. Lynn picked up on the small exchange and let out a light laugh. It was nice to know she had friends on her side to back her up if anything were to ever happen. She hoped it wouldn't anytime soon but she had support there if she ever needed it.

Lynn and Alexa decided to part for the night and meet the following morning to discuss the terms of their new relationship. Alexa walked Lynn back to her room and just before leaving left a small kiss on the top of her nose. They were both glad they could finally sort their relationship out. It had been a long time coming. 

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