Chapter 14

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Aria's POV-

What did he mean by that. What did I do? He is the one who fired me,well not him buy still,and now he is saying I made mess. Give me a break. It's my life he made mess of. I was feeling completely clueless, maybe that's why it seemed like I am staring at him. This made him more angry. He closed his eyes Probably to calm himself. Every muscle on his body seemed so tensed that I felt bad about him. And before accusing him of anything I decided to hear what he had to say. I opened the door ajar.

"Why don't you come inside and talk. It'll be easy then." I said. His eyes shot open,he looked straight into my eyes. His caramel coloured eyes,those eyes felt like a storm in chocolate ocean.

"Are you fucking kidding me." He screamed " You are calling me inside so you can talk?" His anger increasing with each sentence. I could see that people were noticing this little drama going on. We were making a perfect meal for their meaningless cafeteria discussions.

"Please, you are making a scene out here. Can you just come inside and say whatever you want." I asked him as genuinely as I could. He looked more furious than ever.

"You disappear suddenly and my son is so sick to even stand properly because of you and then you are worried about what will people think?? Seriously?? I thought you are more than that." He said,anger dripping from each word. And my heart skipped a beat. Junior..... Junior is ill. What happened to him....and wait did he said it's because of me. What is happening? I thought to myself. And before I know anything I was dragged out of the room by him. He was holding my wrist so tightly that I knew it will leave bruise. It hurt so much. And I could feel that tears were threatening to leave my eyes. I try to break free but it didn't work.

"Please leave my hand. It's hurting so much." I cried. He didn't listen. He opened the passenger door and stuffed me inside and slammed the door shut. Later he started driving with a dangerous speed. I try to sooth my wrist which is hurting more than anything. There was a silence in the car. He just focused on the windshield. I wipe my tears. I didn't know what to say.

"Why did you do this? To him? To us? Why Aria why?" He asked after sometime while driving. I looked at him clueless. Why is he acting like he doesn't know anything.

"What did I do?" I questioned him. He looked at me,giving me a death glare.

"Don't act all innocent Aria. You know what I'm talking about. Why did you leave without any warning? Do you how much is affected on Cristiano. He's been sick since you left. He thinks that it's his fault that you left. That that's why he doesn't have a mother." He said. What?? Oh my god. The poor little boy. Oh no. What have I done.

"Oh my god. What have I done? I should have said goodbye before going." I talk,mostly to myself.

"I tried to reach you, I called you,left you messag-" his phone interrupted the conversation. He picked up the phone.

"WHAT????I'M COMING RIGHT THERE." Soon he screamed. He looked so panicked. What's wrong now,I thought to myself.

"What's wrong????" I asked him.He didn't reply fast,he looked kind of shocked. He managed to utter those words which made my heart to sink deep down the end.

"Cr...cris....cristiano is....."

"HE WHAT???you are making me worried." I shouted at him.

"He...he is unconscious..... They...they called the doctor. He is not responding at all. Oh my god..... I don't don't know what to do." He whispered.

What??? I feel like someone is choking my neck. And suddenly it was hard for me to breath. I gasped for air. I felt my cheeks being wet. I was crying. I saw that he was holding his tears too. It broke my heart to see him like this. He couldn't even cry,how hard it must be for him. I decided to be strong cause I know he is totally broken from inside. I placed my hand on his knee to assure him that everything will be alright. Words didn't left my mouth, my heart felt too heavy to say anything. He looked at me in the eyes as a single tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it next moment and started driving more fast. We reached at the mansion in next few minutes. He slammed hard on breaks and left the car. I saw him run to the door as fast as he could. I followed him. We went straight to Junior's room. Almost everyone was present there. He was lying on the bed,his eyes were closed and there was a oxygen mask placed on his mouth. Mrs.Aveiro was right beside him. James was standing near the bed,a person in white coat was scribbling something on a notepad, Judy was standing far at the corner and there was Mr.Ronaldo,now kneeling beside junior, kissing his forehead and trying to talk to him,trying to wake him up. I felt like my feet were crying tones of weight as I couldn't move a step forward. I was frozen at the door. I decided to move forward. Near him so I could see his face. He looked so weak and pale. It hurt my mind so much. Is this the boy I saw few days ago? Involuntary a sob escaped my mouth. I cover my mouth with my hand. Everyone looked at me.But before anyone could say anything,the doctor said,

"Mr.Ronaldo, I did the check up.vHis fever is extremely high. I gave him injections and I do really hope that the medicine will work in his condition. It looks hard but if the fever continue to increase I am afraid that it'll reach his brain. And it is so dangerous if that happens. He will be in observation from now on till 24hrs.And if the condition worsen then we have to move him to the hospital." Everything was fallen under silence. It's like the world had stopped spinning. Time was frozen. And then I heard a Noise. A cry. Mrs.Aveiro is in tears. Judy tried to maintain herself but even she failed to hold back her tears. Mr.Ronaldo was shocked. He shot up from bed and caught the doctor's collar,surprising us all.

"You are the freaking doctor. Do something. Wake him up. I want my son back. Do something now!" He almost cried. It was so painful to watch all this. All this drama was created by me. James came to help the doctor from Mr.Ronaldo.

"Calm down Cris. Its going to be OK. Let's get you out of here." He tried to take him away from the doctor. He struggled to go, telling he wanted to be with his son. Somehow James managed to take him out of the room. But the glance he gave me before going was heartbreaking. It was full of emotions hatred,anger and rage but what I saw a tired father who was afraid to loose his son. And that made me hate myself. I have to make everything OK again.


hello my lovely readers. I had some time off so here is the chapter. Plus suffering from hard time so I decided to escape from the reality. Hope you enjoy reading.

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