Chapter 18

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Cristiano's POV-

I was doing some work on my laptop. I had to make some calls and my secretary was constantly asking me about all the meetings I had to attend. The work pressure was so big that just thinking about it made me tired. I lean back on my chair, trying to relax my tensed muscles. Being famous is not easy at all. There is pressure to work hard. Pressure to perform well, pressure to keep your fans happy. And a sad feeling that you don't get much time to spend with family. I always had this guilt that I don't spend much time with Cristiano. I wasn't there when he spoke his first word. Wasn't there when he started walking. Wasn't there to teach him to ride his bicycle. But he always has been understanding. Sure he felt very bad when I used to leave for tours,But he never shown that on his face,he always smiled and wished me luck. And seeing him always happy gave relief to my heart. I was having a terrible headache when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said.

"I brought coffee for you. You were working constantly. Might take a break and relax." Aria said and placed the mug on table.She smiled at me. She was looking pretty. Her brown hair were a curly mess. That's what I liked the most about this girl. She was so simple, no makeup and no flashy clothes. She was so beautiful but she didn't know it. I like the way her eyes twinkle when she laughed. Those small crinkles around her eyes made her look so beautiful when she laughed. So innocent,so pure. A breath of fresh air. Looking at her smile made me feel good.

"Do you have sometime? I wanted to discuss few things with you." I asked her. She nodded and sat down on chair.

" Mom told me about everything. What she did was really wrong. But still after all that, you are here." I said. I felt bad that she had suffer from all that. Even when I was accusing her and blaming her for all the things, she didn't say a word about this. She didn't blame mom or anyone. She was there all the time,through tough times.

" I don't blame her Sir. I have my mom suffering from health issues. And I know they get fed up of health problems. So I understand her situation. And about her being rude, she just loves junior too much to think that he'll love someone else more than her. And that won't ever happen. Her place in Junior's life is too precious to even compare with anyone. So I'm totally OK with it. I don't have any hard feelings." She said,and looking at her face it felt very genuine. I nodded. She got up to leave as it was getting late. Just as she was about to exit I called her again.



"Thank you." I said. She just gave me her bright smile and left. I never realized that how beautiful her smile was. I continued my work.

For the next few days I felt a little bit unusual whenever she was around. I always had that involuntary smile whenever she was with me. I loved it when she used to play with Cristiano, she used to help him in his homework. I loved it when she used to help mom with her health. I loved the way she mixed up with my family, like she was one of us. At the moment they both were playing something but Cristiano cheated so they were in the middle of tickle fight. The voice of their laughter was echoing. It felt so good. So full of life. I was watching them from the door.

" Papa look what Aria is saying. She won't come for a week. Scold her." Junior said to me after the tickle fight. His face was red because of laughing so it looked so cute as he was angry. I lift him up in my arms. Aria followed after him. Her face was red too and she was catching her breath.

"What is he talking about Aria?" I asked her and junior nodded.

"Sweet little devil you are junior. You promised me you won't tell him." She said to Cris he stick out his tongue at her. She frowned but smiled at him.

"Yes sir, I was going to ask. Actually we have a two week holiday so I thought I'll visit my mom and I have somethings to do." She said but I really felt she looked lost. Junior was protesting but I gave her permission. No one knows better than me about how important family time is. She grinned. I felt a sudden flash of sadness that I won't see her for few days. She kissed Junior's cheeks and promised to come back soon. She bid her goodbye and left. We both were staring at the door as she left. What is this feeling of emptiness? why I am sad? Oh I falling for her.

"I am going to miss her Papa." Junior said to me.

"Me too buddy, me too." I said back.


Omggggggg my hands were aching to write it down!!! *screams and runs everywhere*

Love is in the air people! *sprinkles rose petals and pixie dust*


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