Chapter 44

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Cristiano's Pov-

I've been practicing alot lately. I wanted to improve my game. I didn't want a single area to be left out. I wanted to be the best. And with other people always comparing me with different players it was always a kind of battle for me. Not that it mattered to me at all but it was the responsibility that came with it. I had to give my best all the time. I had to play well so that I don't disappoint people who look up to me and see me as their inspiration. I had to play it right so that I can shut my haters down. Like I always said; their hate made me stronger. There were always people to prove wrong. And that's why I was practicing today instead of resting peacefully at home. I didn't hear from Aria yet. She must be busy with her studies stuff. Mom volunteered to drop Cristiano to school so I went straight to the field. James was going to join me soon. He was late as expected so I started playing by myself. Within some time James joined me. James was helping me get some shots right. Around lunchtime we decided it was enough for now; that too because of the drama queen also known as James Rodriguez.

"I'm going to die right now. I can't practice anymore." He was practically on the ground. His arms and legs spread around. "If you don't carry me to the changing room then I'm not going anywhere." He said.

"I'm not carrying your lazy ass anywhere. So you better get up and come with me. Mom made your favourite sandwiches for lunch. She packed some for you too. Come on get up." I informed my friend, pretending to be dead. His closed eyes shot open on the mention of sandwiches. He immediately got up from the ground.

"It's just that I'm so hungry and those cheese sandwiches are my favourite. And that is the only reason I'm going upstairs." He announced his reason for movement which seemed almost impossible for him just 2 minutes ago. I laughed at him. I missed being with James and with all the boys to be honest. I behaved like dick with them. I shouldn't have abandoned them like that. All they were trying was to help me get better at life. I regret what mean things I said to them and how badly I behaved with them. And here are they, still supporting me after all this time. Always on my side. I'll apologise to each and every person I hurt. Let's start with James.

I went upstairs to see James was taking shower.

"Close the door you jerk. Why are you like this." I shouted at the filthy animal we sometimes called James. He closed the door after my shouting session.

"Geez Cristiano stop behaving like a child. There is nothing in there you haven't seen before." He laughed from the inside.

"Shut up you jerk."

"In fact I'll suggest that you come and join me in here. No no don't get the wrong idea but I think we need to save water. You know help to keep the environment healthy." He was teasing me. I turned off the light of bathroom.

"There you go. Saving the electricity will also help to maintain healthy environment." I said, laughing. James screamed inside. He banged on the door loudly.

"Turn on the light you moron. I hate darkness. Turn the stupid light on or I'll kill you." He roared. I knew he hated blackout. I quickly turned on the light, I laughed so much that my cheeks hurt. I quickly took shower and changed into fresh clothes. James was still inside. I wonder why does he take so long to bath. James soon joined me in the small cafeteria we had at the place. It was nothing big, a small space with coffee machine and a microwave oven. It was more of a relaxing room which served great place to play food fights. I set the sandwiches in the microwave to heat them up. I took out the food and placed it on plate.

"Here you go mate. Enjoy. " I placed the plate infront of him. He quickly took a bite out of it. He really loved those cheese sandwiches mom made.

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