Chapter 4

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Aria's POV-

It's him.It's him again. Involuntary I touched my nose.That hit left a little dent on my nose.It was no biggie but still it hurt.I remember Sam scolding me for talking to him like that. She said how can I show my attitude to 'The Cristiano Ronaldo'.Of course I knew who he was.But he is a person to right? I'm sure he is famous and all that but that doesn't mean he can hit someone on nose when he wants.And now there is a possibility that I'm going to work for him.

"What are you you doing here?" He asked.

"I umm I.." What I was I going to say anyways. So chose the best option, that is to shut my mouth and let Sam do all the work.

"Hello, she is here for the interview.Mrs.Santiago sent us.She said there was a job open here." Sam did her best to cover up.

"Hello, I'm James. Cris's best friend. Nice to meet you miss..." He took Sam's hand and kissed her on the hand; "Samantha" she whispered."Samantha! What a lovely name."He said.

"Stop it James!! Please have a sit.So which one of you is actually here for the interview?" He said as we all sat down.Oh God, there is no way I'm going to get this job.He probably thinks that I'm a brat.Why did I have to behave like that.

"It's me.Hello I'm Aria Carter. I'm here for the interview." My words came out as a whisper. He looked at me.His face was blank so there was no way telling what is he going to say.No arguments he was handsome. I used to watch him play on TV with my cousins. We used to fangirl over him like crazy. But when I saw him at the café the other day,he didn't feel like a celebrity; he felt normal.Like any other human being.

"Hello Miss.Carter.I'm sure your agent has already told you about the job description?" He said.

"Not really, to be honest."

"Oh,ok then.You have to take care of my Mother, she is suffering from some medical conditions. You have to make sure she is taking all her medicines on time.And keep up with the doctor if it's necessary.And I think that's all.Do you think you can manage it? Your salary will be good,you don't have to worry about is it OK with you?" He said and leaned back on his chair.

"Yes,that's OK with me.wait,does that mean I got the job?" I was surprised.

"Yeah,I think there is no trouble with that." He chuckled.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much. I really needed this job.I won't disappoint you.Thank you!" I cheered.

"You can start from Monday. My secretary will email all the details to you by today." He said.

"Yes,thank you again for the opportunity. We better get going now." I said.

He nodded and James waved us goodbye.When we got back Sam was constantly blabbering about him.She cursed her luck and I willingly told her that she can take my job and I'll take hers. But she refused to do so saying she loved her job.We still had two days till our classes start and we decided to spend those days doing nothing but absolute fun.Since I was student of professional photography,I did not have many classes so I won't have any problem with the job timings.We  had lunch I decided to call my Mom.She picked up at second ring.

"Hello Mom! How are you doing?" I asked.

"Hello dear. I feel so good after hearing your voice.I'm doing good dear. I miss you though." She said. I didn't even realize when a smile crept on my face.

"I miss you too Mom. Are you taking your medicines on time?"

"Yes,yes I am.And I don't watch reruns of ANTM late at night." She said rapidly.

"Mommmm,do you watch TV late night??"I asked her.

"Oh alright, I do watch TV. What do I do then,I get bored." She said.

"Aww Mom, you know what? It's OK if you watch TV, instead of ANTM try watching spongebob squarepants, atleast it'll make you laugh." And I started laughing. Me and mom used to watch that show together. We loved that show.

"Hahaha,I'll keep that in mind sweetie. Listen I have to go now. Someone is at the door. I'll call you OK? I love you Ari, take care ok?"she said.

"I will Mom, take care.Love you. " I bid my goodbye.

Saturday went so fast and when Sunday came,Sam was on the verge of breaking. She was scared that she won't be able to handle college and job,that she might mess up everything.

"Oh come on Sam, everything is going to be alright.I'm sure you are going to do well.Stop shaking. You know what do we do in this type of situation?" I said.She just kept crying.

"We throw an 'Emergency 1D dance party'!!!!" I screamed.

"No I don't wanna dance." She cried.

"First of all you don't say no to dance and second of all you don't say no to One Direction, so get your lazybum moving and dance." I pulled her up from her bed.I turned on my laptop plugged in speakers, and soon we both were dancing all around the room.1D playlist bursting loud from the speakers. It was insane. But we were having so much fun.We were dancing on the bed,throwing pillows and laughing. Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day; but who cares cause we danced all night to the best song ever.


See what I did there 😉 Any one direction fan here?? Anyways hope you are enjoying the story.Thank you for 100 reads! Isn't his smile amazing 😍

This chapter is dedicated to amorchicharito thank you!!

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