Chapter 20

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We had a hard practice routine that day. Apparently we were more late than James calculated, plus he said he wanted to eat something before practice so by the time we got on the ground, everyone was pretty done with their training. I shot James a very hard, I-Will-Kill-you look. He acted like he didn't see it and started his training. I didn't know who he was talking about though.

By the time we were finished with our training, I was trying to catch my breath and James? Well he was practically flat on the ground.

"Aaaah I think this is the end for me.....tell my wife I love her and tell my little one that I love her more than anything." He muttered, still on the ground. Two things for sure, first is that James adored his family so much and second is he was such a drama queen

"Drama Queen." I said and went inside the common room. Boys were laughing or getting ready to go back. Atmosphere was really cheery and fun. I went near my locker to get my clothes.

"That's my seat James, go sleep somewhere else you Dumbo ." Said a very familiar,deep husky voice. It was Gareth. Well an annoyed Gareth I must say. James was on the bench next to Gareth's locker.

"Why you smartpants? Do you have your name written on it?" Replied James, yawing.

"Well yes actually. Better get up before I force you to." Gareth replied. Well this will take long. James is not gonna get up and Gareth is not going to stop until he gets his ass moving. I sit down and wait until their fight gets over.

"What you gonna do? Smack me with that tiny tiny manbun of yours?" James said. Oho James, wrong move. That made Gareth furious.

"Don't you say anything about my hair you mo-" I stop Gareth in the middle of the silly fight.

"Will you guys stop fighting over the bench already? James get up and sit here and Gareth stop the fight please." I said, stopping both. They both look at me from the fight.

"Why do you always take his side Cris? Why? Am I not good enough for you?" James asked, clutching at his heart like I stabbed him with knife. Gareth rolled his eyes.

"That's because I am his good friend and I am always right." Gareth smiled with a proud expression. I have no idea why they fight over this 'who is better friend of Cristiano' topic. Both are my good friends. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"No I am his best friend." James said fold his arms.

"No I-"

"Guys!!! Stop it now. We've been there too many times. And no don't look at me that way James... I am not going to answer this stupid question again and again." I said, ignoring James's expressions. James frowned.

"Ok OK. Die there you idiot." He said to James. "So what is it you want to discuss with me Cris?"

James gave me the knowing look. So this is who he told me about. Ofcourse it had to be Gareth Bale. He is the most romantic of us we think. He is the kind of man every girl wants. Mr. Perfect he is. I knew how much these two fight, at the end of day they cared for eachoher like they were real brothers.

Me and James took place on the bench where James was already sitting. Gareth was on the opposite side. I told him all about how I kinda have a crush on Aria. I let it out of my head and it felt so good. Gareth's eyes were closed, arms folded. He was nodding at my words like he was in deep thought. Finally he opened his eyes.

"The thing is my mate, you actually like her more than a friendly way. It might be a crush or love. I know you are not sure about it. But there are few ways to find it out." He said and got up from his seat and went near the only open window. His back facing us. Mine and James's eyes following him. He was acting like a real love guru here. And we were listening to each and every word him like it was the last thing to do.

"Do you feel happy after seeing" he said.

"Umm yeah I guess." I answered.

"Don't talk in between Cris!!! I am not done yet." He frowned.

"Oh oh sorry, please continue." I said. James gave me a glare.

" So if you feel happy after seeing her then it's love. And if you feel nothing after seeing her then I am afraid it's just a crush. It's like they are your Nirvana. They take you to a place where you feel nothing but inner peace. You see love is a beautiful thing. Well you get butterflies after seeing the person after every single time. In a manly way ofcourse. You want to see them smiling all the time. You are ready to do anything to make them feel happy. You adore there presence. You want to protect them. You notice all the little things about them,all the little things they do for you. You get jealous very easily about them. It's beautiful and complicated at the same time. You just want to trap them and keep them in your heart forever. Never let them go. Keep them with you forever. It's a beautiful experience my mate. So beautiful Cris. Cris?"

"So I ate cheese burger yesterday, and I think I'll just eat sandwich today." James said and I nodded in agreement.

"SILENCE!!" Gareth shouted.

We both looked up. "Oh sorry mate, you lost us at the Nirvana." I said.

I saw Gareth's face turn red but he controlled his anger at our lack of concentration.

"Did you even listen to what I said?" He asked.

" umm..."


"Don't ask me. He is the smart one." James pointed his fingers at me. I gave him a look of betrayal.

"Now you know how does it feel." He muttered.

"You both are idiots. Pure idiots. Now let's get going. We'll talk about it dinner." Gareth said and went to take shower. James and I did the same. And together we left the building, probably to discuss the matter.


Here he is!!! Gareth Sexy Bale!!! Man he is perfection. 😍

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