Chapter 36

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Aria's POV-

Everyone was quite excited for the day. It was Mr. Ronaldo's birthday afterall. Everyone was rushing around, trying to help. We decided to give him a surprise party. The whole restaurant was booked and now was transformed into a beautiful venue for birthday. I was in charge of all the decorations and Mrs. Aveiro was looking at the food arrangements. Junior insisted that he will help me with my work. With almost all the decorations done I was quite proud of myself on my work. Few close guests were invited including James and his other friends.

"Excuse me madam, the cake is ready as you ordered. Shall I tell the people to bring it in?" The manager asked.

"No no. Not now. I'll let you know when we need it. But make sure that it'll be here with no harm. Thank you." I said. The cake was the main surprise. Junior chose the design. It was a huge cake with chocolate cream. Junior said it was his favorite and what I loved about it that it had a picture of him,junior and Mrs. Aveiro printed on top of it. It was a very beautiful picture and I could not wait for him to see it. Everything was perfect and now we were just waiting for him. Everyone was chit chatting with others and enjoying their drinks. Mrs. Aveiro was busy chatting with some of her friends and junior was out playing with some kids. I saw that Mrs. Aveiro excused herself from the crowd and came to me.

"Aria dear you are looking so beautiful today. And I really love the decorations and all the arrangements. It's so beautiful and perfect. Did you call Cristiano? I think we should call him. It's time." She said. I agreed. We didn't see Mr. Ronaldo since breakfast he said that he had some work to do, since that he was away. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. The phone rang and it went into voicemail. I tried for few more times and he didn't pick up. Uh what.

Cristiano's POV-

I was ready holding a bunch of red roses for her. The stunning girl who agreed to join me on dinner date. Mawra. It was my birthday and I decided to take her out on a date. I knew that mom will get mad that I wasn't with them and out all day. But I knew she will forgive me afterall we are on a vacation, and here to enjoy. I was waiting at the table which was set for two. I loved this restaurant as it served the best Asian food. And I thought that she will like it. And there she stood at the reception, asking for me. As always she was looking mesmerising. She was definition of elegance. Her hair were her best feature....I wish I could play with it. She looked at me and gave me her breathtaking smile. I did the same. Suddenly my phone rang and I immediately cut it. I didn't want to spoil the moment. I got up and welcomed her, giving her a small hug. Oh god she smelled wonderful. We sat down.

" Happy birthday to you Cristiano." she said, sliding a little box wrapped in gift paper to me.

"Thank you so much. But how did you know?" I asked. She got me a present, how kind. I opened the box and in it was bottle of perfume. It smelled wonderful. I like it.

"Well ever heard the thing called internet? That told me. And it also told me that you are fond of perfumes so thought I'll gift you that only. Hope you like it." She said with a warm smile.

"I love it. It's really wonderful." I said. By this time my phone had 7 missed calls from Aria. Geez I hope it's not something serious. I drank the wine to hide my worrying. Mawra was talking about herself and how she got into modeling and that she was also an actor. She was telling me about her recent project when once again my phone rang.

"I think you should take that. It seems important." She said. Yep, I guess I should take it. I picked up the call.

"Where are you???" Aria's voice burst through the phone.

"Listen, if it's not important then I'll hang up...I'm a little busy here." I hissed.

"Yes it is important. I hope it is important to you that we wanted to surprise you on your birthday and did our best to make you happy. I hope it's important to you that your family was waiting for your arrival to give you this surprise party on your birthday. I hope you'll feel that it's important to show up here in 10 minutes. You understand." She yelled at me. That's something new, I'll think about it later. The important thing was that I needed to show up there before mom and junior kill me. But what am I going to tell her,Mawra.

"Uh Cristiano, you look a little pale. Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Uh yeah...I mean no. My family planned a surprise party for me...and..and I didn't know about it and they have been waiting for me to come. I....I really don't know what to say." I muttered. She smiled.

" it's OK. Family comes first. You should go. We'll meet some other time." She assured me.

"Wait why don't you come with me?"

"What no! Your family won't have any problem with that?" She asked.

I got up from the chair, took her hand to help her up.

"Ofcourse not. As they say, the more the merrier. Let's go."


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