Chapter 10

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Cristiano's POV-

Aria was nowhere to be seen when I woke up.We waited for her at the breakfast table but she didn't come.

"She left awhile ago Sir. She said she had some important work to do.And I let her go because weather look good.I'm sorry I didn't know you had something to discuss." Judy told me later. It was devastating, I needed to talk to her. And what is this feeling? I am missing her.It's strange; I mean she was here just for a night. I went upstairs to wake up the little devil. He was sleeping like it was the end of world and he could miss it by sleeping. I tried to wake him but I lost the battle again. So I decided to take a quick shower. And that's when it caught my attention. My t-shirt and other clothes were neatly placed on the coffee table. And there was a small "Thank you :)" note placed on the bord.She came in the room,probably to say goodbye but we both must be asleep. I smiled at the thought and went ahead to take the shower.

Aria's POV-

I decided to leave early before anyone notice me going. But Judy somehow caught me before I sneak out.It was really hard leaving everything behind. When I got back in the room, Sam was up and was trying to contact me.

"Hey." I said as I entered the room.

"Oh God!! I was worried to death Aria! Where have you been? You know I was going to call police. Thank God you are OK." She was literally shouting and then she gave me a big,warm hug. That's what I needed,and that was my breaking point. I hugged her and let my tears flow away. I was sobbing.

"Hey hey hey,what's wrong?? I didn't mean to shout at you. I'm sorry Ari." She said.No Sam it's not the shouting, it's something different.

" it's not that Sam. I lost my job.And it's not about the''s just that I really like my now it's ove....over...I'm feeling terrible." I somehow managed to say all those things between the sobs.

"Oh god, that's terrible. Come here, sit down." I sat down on the bed.

"Oh Ari I'm so so sorry. You didn't deserve it.But it's OK,everything will be fine. Don't worry,I'm here for you know that." She cooed.

"Why did he fired you?? Is it because of yesterday's incident? If it's a yes then I'm going to hunt him down break his legs or something. You put that kid's safety before yours." She said.

"No, he didn't. Mrs.Aveiro did.He has no idea about this.She told me not to tell him anything about it.He was kind enough to let me stay the night. I know it's my fault." Still crying.

"Now stop crying. You are stronger than that. We'll find you another job.And this time no babysitting for celebrity's relatives.Now let's get you clean up and then you can have a good sleep." She said and that moment it felt like a good plan.I needed escape from reality and sleep sounded like the only possible way.

When I woke up it was dark.Sam was on the study table.

"Hey there sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?" She asked without looking up.

"Yes." I replied. My head was spinning, I felt like someone was beating it with a hammer. And my eyes were red and puffy.

"I feel terrible." I said.

"I know,by the amount of tears you have shade I won't be surprised if there is no flood around the campus." She said.

"Oh God please don't make me laugh." I said.

"Fine! I'm going downstairs for dinner. Do you wanna come along?" She asked and shut down her laptop.

"No,I'm fine.I don't feel like eating. You go ahead." I said.

"Well you can't do that Carter. I'll bring you something on the way back. I'll be back soon." She said.


"See ya." And she closed the door.

I went near the window to get some fresh air. The light breeze was soothing.I didn't know why was I so upset about the whole job thing.I wondered he found out or not. Did he care?Was junior missing me? There were so many questions but no answers. I sat down near the window, looking out. Just like yesterday but it was different. I wasn't wearing his clothes. I wasn't going to see him again. I wasn't going to meet the little one again; and nobody was going to kiss me goodnight. And looked out of the window, the moon was shining bright, wind was blowing;making my hair a mess.But it made me smile somehow,even if the Mickey mouse outline on my bandage was fading.


I can't thank you guys for your support, your lovely comments and votes.There are many awesome books out there to read and this one is basically nothing compare to them.But still you take your time to read it.And it warms my heart everytime I see a vote or comment or reads. :') Thank you guys. You all are best.

It wasn't a good chapter I know but I wanted to update. So sorry for that.

I love you guys so much. Ok I'm gonna shut up now :')


Mine (Cristiano Ronaldo Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora