Chapter 37

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Cristiano's POV-

And within 20 minutes we reach the place. It's the same resort we went for dinner last night I guess, we park the car and I hold Mawra's hand and lead her to the entrance.

"Wait, maybe this is a bad idea, I am not sure if we should go inside together. I mean I am not sure if your family likes me." She says, stopping just before we enter the hall.

"I don't about my family, I sure do like you. Let's get inside." I say, she gives a shy smile and pull her with me.

We get inside and suddenly I am bombarded with wishes and hugs from all the people. Everyone is coming forward to wish me all well and hugging me. I do my best to interact with everyone but with all of people it kind of gets hard for me. In all the rush I don't even understand when did I leave Mawra's hand. I try to search for her but suddenly I am embraced in a tight hug by my mom. She kisses my cheeks and thanks the Lord for giving me all the health and wealth.

"Where were you Cris? We all have been waiting for you since a hour now." She looks concerned. But within few seconds the look is gone and replaced with a warm, gentle smile. The smile I love the most, the smile which takes away all my worries. How can I miss this special day? My mother, the woman I respect the most. I smile and kiss her forehead.

"I caught up with some work ma, but here I am...all yours for the evening." I say. She smiles. "Come, there are many people still waiting to talk to you. " she takes my hand and leads me inside. I meet most of the people. My cousins and friends are here, James greets me with a smile. Things between us are not going well, deep down I know it is happening because of me. I greet him,talk to him about his new place and ask him to enjoy the night.

Where is my precious little devil? I think and speak of the devil here he comes, Cristiano runs to me with his big toothy grin, I bend down and pick him up.

"Happy birthday Papa!! You are a oldman now. Hehehe." He hugs me and laughs. I ruffling his hair and kiss his cheeks.

"I guess I am now buddy." I say.

"Don't worry, I still love you....Infact I love you even more now."

"I love you too son. Now come I have someone to meet you." I say. With junior in my arms I try to search Mawra in the crowd.

"Really? Who?" He asks.

"Yes, how about I tell you about her and you search her." I question. He agrees.

"She is very pretty, and has beautiful hair. She is looking gorgeous with her hair down tonight." I say, we both are searching.

"No dad, I am not seeing Aria anywhere. Yes she looks pretty with her hair down, I think she looks beautiful all the time." He says.

Aria? Where is she? I haven't seen her since I got here. I was expecting a big lecture as soon as I enter, I mean she sounded so angry. I search for her sign but she is not there.

"Have you seen her junior?" I ask my boy.

"Yes, she was here few minutes ago and was talking with her friend. But I don't know where is she now. Can I go and play with other kids now?" He informs me.

"Yes ofcourse, don't go too far." I put him down and he runs. My searching eyes find Mawra near the bar, talking to someone, enjoying her drink. I feel relieved and make my way towards her.

Aria's POV-

I am enjoying gossiping with Lisa and waiting for Mr. Ronaldo to arrive when I see him enter the hall. But he is not alone, he is with someone. I still at my place, it's a girl. And they are holding hands. Who is she? They stop for a second, she says something and he does too. She smiles at him he leads her inside. What's going on with me. Why am I feeling jealous. I clutch on my glass hard.

"That's one fine girl he got there, don't cha agree?" Lisa says, sipping on her drink and looking at the girl who is now at the bar, probably ordering herself a drink. Yeah she is pretty, I feel like I've seen her somewhere. It's supposed to be a party for family and close friends. Why did he bring her here. Are they like together or something. For some unknown reason I feel nauseous.

"Ari you look a little pale....Are you alright?" Lisa asks, putting down her drink on table just in case if I fall.

" a little dizzy. I need to get out. I'll be right back don't worry." I say, gripping the chair nearby to gain support. Lisa catches me before I fall.

"You are kidding me right girl,I am not leaving you alone. Let's get you some fresh air." She says, helping me to get on my feet.
We get out.

"There is a bench near the pool....let's go there and sit. Come." Lisa helps, I am leaning over her, for support. I am feeling alot week now. It's getting hard even to put my foot in front of another.

"Ari...I am going to get someone to help us OK. I'll be back in seconds just sit here." She tell me and asks to go and sit on the bench which is at just a couple of steps far.I want to tell Lisa that I might not make it. But before I can say anything, everything slowly fades into pitch black and last thing I hear is my name being called by a very familiar voice.
I fall on the ground in front of a 8 year old boy who is very dear to me. Junior. And it's dark.


Hey people.... Plz vote and comment it makes me want to update faster. I can't believe we are done with 37 chapters.... Yes can you believe it? It feels like story of ariano just started and it might end soonish. *Crys*

See you soon peeps

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