Goodbye Avicii...

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That's it. Avicii have done is last show, maybe forever or maybe he will be back in the future. Only he knows.
I was listen through his old songs yesterday and started to cry. Even if he only quite the touring part it feels weird and feels empty in one way. Avicii means alot to me and his music of course. One of the first 'EDM' songs i heard was from him. I don't say he does EDM. But easy to understand that way. I still remember the first songs from him i heard and everything. Or first time i heard 'Levels', damn memories... Or when 'wake me up', it was the biggest hit of that summer. Played everywhere😅

Anyway, Avicii or Tim will always have a special place in my heart

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Anyway, Avicii or Tim will always have a special place in my heart. Even if i have never seen him live, i have listened to his livesets and more. He's very special from all other DJ's i would say. He dosen't jump, nope he got 'the hand'. Come on, that hand is everywhere and  nowhere!

Avicii is special and will always be. He have never been voted as number 1 DJ in the World, but the among of fans and love for him out there is huge and never stops. I don't talk like thid about him because i'm swedish and for us swedes he's a thing to be proud over. No, i talk like this about him because i adore his work and how much time and work he put in to this. I'm not saying he have put more work then any other.
I think he felt good when he put this out there, that he will quite touring. Touring is hard and take down many DJ's :( That's sad... I think the touring part he kind of stressed or it was hard for him. It takes alot of energy. And his health wasn't the best in the end, it never became so good after the operation he had 2013. I'm happy over this in one way, he put himself first. Maybe also he dosen't think it's as fun as before. I don't know.
Avicii or Tim, thank you for everything. Thanks for all the happy moments and special moments you created live. I will sure miss you and wish you the best.
Thanks for everything. I already miss you and 'the hand'😭
GoodBye Avicii for now...

 I already miss you and 'the hand'😭 GoodBye Avicii for now

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Untill next time Stay Awsome<3

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Untill next time Stay Awsome<3

Xx Evelina

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