Ultra Europe

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I was thinking about writing this yesterday, but was supertired so fell asleep instead. Haha...

Anyway, so yesterday Ultra Europe started, or nah. They had to cancel the first day, very sad about that i must say. I'm happy some of them that was supposed to play yesterday got to play early today. I can agree that too bad weather it's not good. So i think it was a good idea to cancel, but i can also agree that it sucks. And even more for the people that was there! That bought tickets and everything! Shit happens i guess...

It's livestream tonight and tomorrow. I will only watch tomorrow night, too tired haha. No, but the line-up today is good, but the livestream starts so late. So if they only show the DJs that perfom that late, i'm not interested . Only in like W&W and Dash Berlin. Love them<3

Here's the line-up on Ultra Europe this year

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Here's the line-up on Ultra Europe this year. But because they had to cancel the first day, here's todays line-up on the mainstage.

So sad that Kura didn't got to play on the Mainstage now

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

So sad that Kura didn't got to play on the Mainstage now... Love that dude and his energy is insane! But i this line-up is still fire and really good!

I have so much to write about, but i feel like i want to take one thing in every "chapter". The bad thing are that it will get supershort. So i don't know what to do. What do you think?

Right now i'm listen to Spinnin'Records Festival Mix 2016, i like it! Even if i kind of hate Spinnin'i like to listen to things like this, so much IDs and stuff. Fun to hear what's coming out soon in music way :)

Untill next time Stay Awsome<3

Xx Evelina

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