Time for EDC baby!

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Friday, but not any Friday. Today starts EDC Las Vegas! Wohoooooooo!!!
I'm excited for EDC and everything. Only bad thing are that i will miss the livestream...again, i missed last years also. Why? I'm going away tomorrow and will be away to next Sunday.
But i will go up early and see if i can watch some in the morning. Good with +8 time difference from Vegas to Sweden ;)
I will miss Hardwell tho :'( My fav, king and the legend himself❤
I don't really know what to say, i have seen to of the many stages. The main stage and the Circuit ground stage. Both looks good. Ok, will not lie. Not so impressed by the main stage...yet. Maybe i will change my mind when i see it 'in action' ;)
Anyway, the week i will be away i will not have internet really so don't expect any update. Pretty busy now during the summerbreak anyway. Working alot...
Sorry, didn't have any pics on my phone from EDC. So here is Hardwell.
I feel bad that i will miss EDC again this year. Ugh, why?!?
Will you watch anything from the livestream?
Untill next time Stay Awsome❤
Xx Evelina

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