Encore and festival

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Heyo guys! Why do i still write that word "Heyo"??? Ugly af.

So right now when i wrote this i'm on my way to Stockholm, Sweden, for a festival called Weekend Sweden. Excited af! Only thing is that i woke up sick. SO ironic i haven't been sick since March last year, of course i get sick the day i will go on a festvial... Lol for sure. But i will have fun anyways :)

I also listen to "Let me love you" by DJ Snake together with Justin Bieber on the vocal. Because today was the day DJ Snake's debut album "Encore" was released. I have listen to it, and i LOVE it. Every song is different and they're something else i must say. I can't describe it, i jsut say listen to it! You will love it!!<3

My favs are literally all of them, but of course my fav is "Let me love you". Come on Bieber and DJ Snake together- heaven! I must say i like this song more then "Cold water". "Cold water" is amazing, but i think this song is better. I don't really know way, but i think so just.

I will end it here, i'm just so excited for the festival. This will be my first ever festival or anything with EDM live like that. SO nervous in one way but more excited. Talk to you soon :)

Untill next time Stay Awsome<3

Xx Evelina

EDM only #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt