This Was Tomorrow

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I don't now if you heard about the Tomorrowland movie that came out for 2 days ago?
It's okay. I watched it today and holy shit I had goosebumps(?) Most of the time. For me Tomorrowland is paradise on earth. Everything about it's beautiful and perfect. Tomorrowland really shows that music united us all and it doesn't matter were you come from, at Tomorrowland all people are welcome to have fun and live life. To celebrate life.
Should stop talking about it. I can go on forever how much I love Tomorrowland.
I have never been myself there because too young. But 2017 I'll be old enough so then I will go! That's all I asking for that year. Untill then I will cry everytime I watch videos from there...
But I know what one day I will stand there and have the time of my life❤
I recomend you to watch the movie. It's amazing and so beautiful❤
What do you think about Tomorrowland? Or maybe TomorrowWorld or Tomorrowland Brazil?
Untill next time Stay Awsome❤
Xx Evelina

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