Chapter 11 - "Who was he?"

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I woke up suddenly in a room that I didn't recognise, I saw someone in the room with me, it was Four. Everything came back to me about what happend and he looked at me and said,

"Oh thank god princess you gave me a fright, are you alright???"

He looked angry and worried but I nodded silently with a forced smile which I imagined looked horrible. Do you think he knew???

He didn't smile back and started,

"Tris who was he, I can call your dad if you'd like cuz I Imagine he wouldn't like to find out someone broke into your home and beat up his duaghter."

He doesn't know that's my dad? Even after talking with him?! I felt strikes of fear when he said to call my dad. I felt tears building and my heart ripping in half, my dad doesn't care about me, he is the one doing this why does everyone think he is so kind?!

Four noticed the tears building and said worriedly,

"Tris? Hey hey it's okay he'll come back soon don't worry"

And at that moment I just leapt into his arms ignoring the pain and the force and just cried and cried into his muscular warm arms.

He held me tight and kept asking what was wrong.

I screamed out,

"Everyone thinks he's so nice to me! Everyone loves him! Everyone wants him as a friend! He's the town's hero! Everyone sees love in him! He loves helping! If he's so great then why does he hurt people?! Huh?! Why does he hurt me?! "

Four was shocked.


She's just lonely without him and annoyed she's by her self.

"Tris I know you feel lonely like he's left you but he'll be back soon and then you can be with him, you've got us whilst he's at work, im sure he's missing you too princess"
She started to sob loudly and I didn't understand how much she would miss him... what's happening??

She suddenly stood up and threw any objects she could find around the room, the whole gang ran up the stairs to the room and saw tris in an awful state, she was so panicked and frustrated and very angry.

"Baby calm down! You can't keep hurting yourself! You'll end up killing yourself in day! Stop being selfish and wait till your dad gets home! At least you've got a dad!" I yelled this at her.

She stood shocked and looked at me frustrated,

"I'M BEING SELFISH?!?!? ME?! " She cried and cried.

"Yeah you are being selfish! He said you get like this when he's gone!" I scoffed and began to walk away. She grabbed my hand hard, I looked up in shock.

She looked straight at me and yelled,

"Four you don't understand!!" She tightened her grip, the whole gang looked worried.

"And what don't I understand?! " I was angry and her dad was right!

"I-i ahhhhhhh!" She was really angry,

"Come on then tell me what I don't understand?!"

She looked like she was about to explode in anger and frustration but also in heartbreak. Everyone looked devastated and scared for her.

"You wanna know my story?! Do you wanna know why I'm angry?!" I scoffed,

"Enlighten us why don't you" she had eyes full of tears.

"If he is such a 'caring father' then why every night when i get home from school does he come and beat me if I havent made his tea or his bed?!?!?! Making sure I'm up at 5am to make his breakfast! " She paused then continued with the whole gang having widened eyes.

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