Chapter 15 - back to school.

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It had been 2 weeks since marcus had died. I was to stay at home with the gang in Four's house. I always had nightmares, waking up sweating and screaming but I couldn't tell them that, it would cause hassle for them.

I'm going back to school tomorrow. Maybe I won't be picked on? Maybe I'll be okay? I hope it will go okay.,

"Hey princess" four entered the room. I smiled instantly,

"Hi" I went and hugged him, it was pretty late so we layed down in each others arms and drifted to sleep. I hoped tomorrow would be okay.

Time lapse to morning

"Hey, time to get up angel" I heard a hot raspy voice. I yawned and then opened my eyes to find four, staring next to me and smiling. I kissed him on the cheek,

"Morning, I love you" he smiled and kissed my lips,

"I love you too, time for school babe" I nodded and got ready. I put on a jumper with leggings and brown boots along with a scarf and a necklace. My hair was down and curled along with light make up.

I walked out the room to find four. He was wearing black jeans with a white t shirt which easily showed his 8 pack. I looked at him to find him staring at me with his jaw dropped. Do I look okay? Is it bad?

"Babe you look stunning!" He came over and grabbed my waist. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Not so bad yourself hot stuff" he smirked and leaned in for a kiss.

We left in his car and drove to school. We arrived and parked the car, we got out and he held my hand whilst walking.

"Now princess, any trouble or anything you need help with, physically and emotionally, just text me or call me or find me, I need you safe" I nodded my head and we hugged along with a quick peck on the lips before parting ways to find our lockers.

I got to my locker and opened it up. I found a letter inside,

"So I heard a rumour that daddy beat little Tris
Good job he did
Boyfriend stealing bitch!
You tell four about this and
I'll tell the entire school how daddy likes to kick the scab!

I froze in panic, Chrissie new?! Oh no no no please no. What would happen?? I can't tell four this!

Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist dragging me. I was pushed into the girls bathroom. I looked up to fund Chrissie and four of her friends. They all laughed at me. I ignored it and asked,

"What do you want?" She smirked and replied,

"I want you to suffer bitch!" She slapped me hard on my cheek. The pain was unbearable.

Another one of her friends pulled my hair wacking my head against the wall. Someone kicked me in my stomach hard. I covered my face so they couldn't kick it, what if four found out?

"God what a whore!" She threw something at me, it cracked and I instantly new it was an egg,

"There you go! Fucking egg head!" They threw more. I was covered in eggs and shells. I was trying not to cry. Then Maddie, the violent one of her friends, grabbed a pocket knife?! She stabbed me in my side, I grunted and screamed in pain. Ouch! I held my blooded side, I was struggling to cope now.

"Hahahaha now slut, I love how you suffer, just don't tell four or your word about being beaten gets out!" She kicked me in my face probably leaving a bruise and they laughed walking out.

I tried to stand up. I looked in the mirror, I was crying with red puffy eyes, sweating, bleeding on my side. It was a deep cut, I had to hide it, I can't go to the hospital, they'd call four!

I decided to leave for home, I limped out the school and heard laughing. It was four and Chrissie. I hid and listened to the convo they were having,

"Oh really? She did that?!" Four was shocked and hurt. What happened?

"Yeah she tried to beat me up! Look" she revealed her arms, it had cuts and bruises on, they looked like makeup!

"She also cheated on you with mark, I didn't want to tell you but I thought you might want to know" I was shocked and heart broken, were they talking about me??

"Um thanks Chrissie i-i need to go find t-tris" he sounded really upset and mad. What had she done??? He walked inside. And I approached her.

"C-chrissie what are you doing?" She laughed when she saw my state.

"Oh bitch please, he thinks you cheated on him, he thinks you beat me haha the power of makeup. He hates you! So why don't you just die! You aren't pretty! You are worthless! Hated! Stupid! Fat! ugly! And most importantly a massive whore!!!!" She slapped me again.

That's it, I can't do this anymore, I sat there sobbing a little still bleeding. The cut was painful and deep, I got up and walked home, to my house, well Marcus' house. I walked into my tiny room and layed in the floor, curling into a ball and slowly laying in a small pool of my blood. The bleeding stopped and I was soaked up with blood.

I hope they never find me, I'll just die here alone... I picked up my phone and rang four, I need to tell him everything.




It went to voicemail after three rings, he ignored me... I left a voicemail.

"F-four u-um hi. I-i don't know what Chrissie has told you but please it isn't true, *sob* please believe me four, she used makeup for the bruises please I need your help and she'll do something b-bad if she knew I told you. *Sob* please." I sat there sobbing and sobbing.

I'm giving up, I'm just gonna end it here, I'll be out of everyone's way. I'll ring four again and apologies and then I'll make a plan of how to do it.

I rang him again hoping it would go to voice mail again but this time he picked up?

"H-hello?" I asked,

"Tris..." it was him!

"T-tobias! Hi!" I was so relieved to hear from him so soon.

"U-um Tris. I don't believe Chrissie at all, I heard the whole thing... i know you wouldn't cheat on me with anyone, I trust you. It breaks my heart when I see or hear you cry. Please baby" My heart kit up and I cried again.

"Baby just tell me where you are so I can hug you please" I responded fast,

"I-ill come now, i-im in Marcus' house..." I sighed

"Stay there I'm coming over" he said softly.

"O-okay I'm sorry Toby" as i said this he hung up.

I put my head in my knees. My state was terrible.

The door to my used to be bedroom opened and four came into the room. He looked around until he saw me in the corner beat up, crying and bloodied up.

"Oh my god baby" he picked me up bridal style, he said something but it sounded muffled and I slowly list consciousness.

Am I dying?

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