Chapter 10 - He saw marcus

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I began to speak,

"Okay fine...Four I need to tell you this before we carry on this relationship and you realise you made a mistake.. please just believe me." he nodded at me and looked curious.

I took a deep breath and began,

"Okay so when I was 10..."


"Oh no!" I whisper yelled four looked at me, I must look scared.

Oh no it was Marcus he's home early! I quickly grabbed four by the hand and rushed upstairs, I opened my window and whispered for him to climb out.

He said, "wait what's wrong? Who's home tris? Who is it? Is it someome who's been doing this to you??" I felt tears drawing and my heart shaking with fear. I said,

"My dad he doesn't like friends over... especially a boyfriend when he doesnt know sorry um I can come to yours in a bit okay???" I smiled, well tried to at least.

He nodded and sighed in relief that it was just her dad. He left quickly.


I was seriously worried about Tris, I left and heard a quiet yell

"H-hi Daddy, h-how was t-the trip?" And she left her room.

She looked terrified, was she scared of her dad?? No she couldn't be, he's lovely from what I've seen plus everyone said Tris' dad was great and how nice he was aww he'll take care of her. Well I'll find out in a bit what's wrong when she comes round.

Something's up with her these days, she keeps hiding something from me... maybe she really is self harming?! No she wouldn't do that. Why does she smile when I know it's fake? I can see the tears forming when she smiles. She acts like she's okay but really shes not and i don't know whats wrong... I need to find out...


I yelled down quietly,

"H-hi Daddy h-how was t-the trip?" I left my room and walked down stairs slowly.

He stared at me and began to bring his belt out. But I was supposed to go to Four's house later no. He can't see me like this, everyone thinks my dad will be kind and amazingly sweet, no one will believe he's my dad.

He told me in a stern voice,

"Lift your shirt and stay still, no voices you ugly slut or you get more and if you tell pretty boy, I'll kill him! So never say anything!"

I did as I was told and he gave me 20 lashes. I was in agony hoping it would stop and he did but the pain didn't. I tried so much not to scream.

He punched me in my face and then opened the front door and chucked me out... literally he chucked me. I landed on the porch with a thud and broke the stairs to it, my back was killing me and I was shaking all over. I suddenly saw feet running fast towards me, I put my hands over my eyes in fear.

Someone picked me up and I felt warmth around me, it was him, it was Four. Then everything went black.


I waited quietly for her so that my gang didn't see her or they would tease me and knowing tris she would join them. I heard a few screams from Tris' house but apparently her and her dad are close so it couldn't be her. I keep thinking about what's bothering her.

I suddenly heard a loud slam of a door as Tris' house door widened with speed, a girl was chucked out with force and landed with a large crash on the porch steps. She cried hard and I instantly new who it was... it was my princess it was my Tris.

My heart stopped suddenly when I saw her in the floor limp.
I ran up to her as fast as I could hoping not to startle her and I lifted her up but she had passed out after taking a glance at me and smiling softly. Oh tris.

I ran her into my house whilst I heard a voice from the house,

"Bitch! Beatrice where are you! Come back here or swear I will kill you!" He was huge with muscle and beers in his hand. Someone had maybe broken in?? I'll ask tris if she wants to call her dad later. He's in new York again she said But for now she's being with me till her dad gets home. He's a policeman, he'll know what to do.

This is what's been bothering her then??? Someone had been bullying her! If only her dad new about this he would probably kill the fucker! I know I will!

Another fourtris taleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora