Chapter 6 - He saw the mark

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2 months has passed and I have made close friends with christinas group which I have loved. We laugh all the time, we hang out alot and they always smile at me which meant everyone at school did too which made me so happy.

Four I haven't seen around, maybe he's left but I see no sign of him anywhere. We keep flirting with each other but never get anywhere, I miss him. The gang says because he's the gang leader he has business to attend to, I hope he's okay.

Marcus is the usual and is still beating me but I keep smiling even though it's really getting hard to hold back the tears. I can't be self centred though as marcus always reminds me. I have to hide it from everyone. But sometimes they can get suspicious.

Christina noticed a bruise on my neck, and see pointed out in gym my leg that had a large slice down the bottom when my leggings rolled up. But I keep smiling saying it's an accident. They laugh it off but I don't think they believe me.

After a tiring day of school and fake smile all day to everyone, I was finally home. I saw Four's car already there which suprised me because I didn't see him for two months. I wanted to see him so much but he hated girls right??

Plus I was in so much pain now that my head throbbed hard and my face stung from the beatings. But it would get worse after tonight.

I walked in to my house realising I had an hour to make dinner for Marcus. I made his favourite, pasta with chicken and cheese sauce. I put it in front of the table with two beers next to it and no food for me, I'll have some tomorrow.

I walked upstairs and laid on my bed in misery and pain. I felt my eyelids drop slowly and I collapsed into a deep slumber without realising Marcus would arrive soon...

I heard my door slam open and felt my arm being ripped down making me drop to the floor with a thud. He threw me down the stairs and I felt my finger crunch,

"Great its broken..." I thought helplessly

I kept telling myslef to not cry and not show him any signs of weakness. He kept kicking me and punching my until and your had passed and i was lying in a pool of my own blood. This wants good ugh more to tidy up after he passes out.

I stood up barely managing to be stable and saw Marcus passed out on the floor but the sofa.

I walked out of my house to sit on my porch to calm down, I let it all out and cried trying to hold it back afterwards. I had already cleaned up slowly without waking Marcus up. I never let anyone see me cry, I'm so lucky it was 12 at night, no one will be out...

Or so I thought...

I looked to the right of me and saw Four on the porch next to me just looking at me with worried eyes and anger. Oh no, I didn't think he would he here! Did my ugly face disgust him? Wait! He saw my bruises and the blood and everything! Oh no no no no now what?? What will I do??  He saw me crying oh no. He'll tell the gang!

I stood up wobbling and was about to take a step when I heard him say,

"Not so fast Tris" his voice was so sexy and beautiful to hear as usual. I stopped and asked him

" Were y-you talking t-to me?" I waited fearfully.

He replied with "yes, don't worry I won't tell the gang" I sighed in relief and he continued.

"Come on, tell me how such a pretty face got them bruises" he looked emotionless with a slight worry on his face, maybe I wasn't seeing it straight. He was a gang leader?? He doesn't care for girls does he? I know he's my neighbour but no one cares about me right?

I said forcing a smile with every ounce of energy I had left "sorry I fell down the stairs haha clumsy me haha. Hey I noticed you have the heart tattoo? Why is it blank?." He looked shocked but then relaxed at me, he replied

"Well I've found the girl I just need her name on it" he winked at me, I felt jealous for some reason, who was this girl?? I wanted to be on there. No Tris! He'll never love you.

"Oh that's good i-I'm happy for y-you" I could feel years forming in my eyes. I liked four. "um I should go to the hospital tomorrow I think to sort this out thanks for asking about me, have a good evening! night night four it was nice to finally talk to you!"

I rushed inside quickly so he wouldn't ask anything else. I can't draw attention and risk him finding out, I can't be self centred. I can't show him I'm jealous!


She rushed in before I could ask anything. I'm getting her name on my tattoo soon. I left for two months to sort out gang business and already someone had attacked my princess.

She looked like someone had attacked her. It shocked me with worry but mainly with anger as to who did it. Maybe she was telling the truth about falling down the stairs hmmm I don't know. Maybe I should keep an eye on her after all she's my princess I need to keep her protected from anyone willing to hurt her.

The gang mentioned some bruises they had seen and some cuts. They said she would keep smiling even when they knew it was fake, she's so selfless and kind. I loved her for that.

I walk back inside for bed but look across my bedroom window to find Tris in her room pacing slowly until she sat down near the window and breathes heavily. I was really starting to panic if she was actually okay.

She was in tears and she was saying things to herself, I listened closely

"Everything is okay
He won't wake up
He won't wake up
He can't hurt me now
Smile like mum said
Don't show weakness
Keep smiling
Don't be self centred
You're an idiot
Four will never like you
That girl will be happy
God why do I like him!"

I kept looking at her with worry but also fascination. She has always been smiling and everyone said she was the most cheerful person ever always kind and selfless. I bet this is the first time anyone has seen her cry.

She suddenly sees me and her eyes widen in fear and shock. She quickly shuts the curtains so I don't see, but then I instantly heard sobs coming from the other side.

Something is bothering her, my princess and I will find our what it is. That's a promise...

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