Chapter 14 - "We got him"

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I comforted her and hugged her and gave her a kiss. The gang gathered around to hug her. We took her to the hospital and I ordered the gang to find the father and kill him, we wouldn't let him get away with hurting my princess!

I stayed with her of course every single minute I could. She was attached to machines and had a large cast around her broken arm.  Scars all around her and bruises staining her body.

Just then I saw her beautiful ocean blue eyes open, she was awake!


My head pounded as I forced my eyes to open. Before I got to the motel, Marcus had got to me and left me with words in my head,

"I'm gonna get you slut if it's the last thing I do!"

He was gonna kill me there but peoples voices started to ring through the wind. I ran to a room and just slumped down in the middle of the room crying with bruises all on my face and blood everywhere. I just sang until they found me. I could he selfish once!

I looked around the room to find Four looking at me with worried eyes. He came over and kissed my head. He found me, he made me safe. I whispered to him,

"I love you Tobias" he replied back to me

"I love you too princess" we shared a quick kiss and I asked him,

"Will you lay with me?" He nodded and I moved over to the left. So he could lay with me, I played in his chest and fell asleep instantly.


She closed her eyes again and fell asleep on me. She looked so cute when she slept. I hope the gang get him for this. She means everything to me. Everything.

She looked peaceful finally in her sleep and I was happy. She was finally saved from him. I heard my phone ring, it was max. I picked it up trying not to wake her up.

"Hello?" I said and I heard words that I will cherish forever...

"We got him" I sighed with relief and thanked him. They all left and headed over waiting for tris to wake up again.

I left tris sleeping and went back to my house where marcus was tied up.

I walked up to him and punched him hard. Eric and max were with me. I got the hot iron poke from the fire and slowly put it in his shoulder. He screamed out in pain and we all smiled.

"You hurt her marcus! You deserve the pain!" I yelled at him punching him again

"She's nothing but a bitch! She deserves that!" Max was recording his words.

" Oh yeah what do you do to her marcus???" He was so oblivious to the camera recording in max's hand.

"Oh I do much worse than this! I whip her so hard she doesn't get back up for days! I kick her! Punch her! Bite her! Rip her hair out! Dislocate her fingers if I'm in the mood! Maybe break a few ribs! Burn her! Anything to make her scream!"

I punched him in the face with all my strength and I heard a crunch. I had cracked his skull open, his head dropped down and his pulse stopped. Max uploaded this anonymously with his computer skills So no one could track him and find us killing marcus. 1 million views in 5 mins already!

I can imagine they would be shocked. We packed up and hurried to tris before she woke up and noticed me gone.

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