Chapter 13 - He isnt here!

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Four had left me and Christina and I heard the door slam and it must be the gang leaving. Maybe four was fed up of me now, I was selfish, I'm horrible looking, I should be smiling, oh I'm such a wreck now.

Christina comforted me and I apologised to her by saying,

"Oh Christina I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I've been so selfish about this, tell four I'm sorry if he ever comes back, I should be smiling not crying I'm sorry! Are you alright?! How are you feeling?!" And I put my head in my knees continuing to cry. Christina got up and sighed in an annoyed tone, she then said with a huff obviously getting fed up with me.

"Geez Tris you dont get it! stay here a minute" and with that she stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

I knew it, I'm sorry mum, I did everything wrong! I should never have told four, maybe Christina and everyone else would have stayed with me. I just cried and cried and then I walked out the house running as fast as I could to anywhere so I wouldn't be a bother to anyone... I'm such a waste of space.

I know, i'll go and stay at the motel by the school so four doesn't feel burdened to look after me... I'll see them at school. As I ran I heard footsteps running behind me...

Who was it???


We entered Tris' house to find blood on the floor everyone was gasping and i felt anger building up. I stepped over it and we searched for Marcus. We found no sign of him but we found the basement... in it was all sorts of equipment and tools used to hurt Tris.

They each had a note attached to them. The note consisted of days of the week. it was horrible, he even kept suviniers such as pictures of tris with cuts bruises and blood. He also had bottles of blood he had removed, skin he had sliced and hair he had ripped from MY Tris.

We suddenly heard the door open and we took our stance ready to attack. Only to find that it was Christina she looked sad and said to us,

"She keeps apologising and saying she's fine, shes too selfless, someone else talk to her I can't without crying." my anger boiled again.

"You left her?! What did you say to her?!" Shit this wasn't good.

"I got up and said she just didn't get it and stormed out.." oh crap.

"Christina! She probably already thinks we're fed up with her for this! What happens if she thinks you left her aswell! She'll be devastated and hurt! Come on we have to go to her! He isn't here! We need to get back to tris!" We left the house and entered mine.

We ran up to the room to find Tris gone. We ran outside to find a trail of blood on the path. I was fuming with anger and worry. I looked at the blood and we all decided the same thing...

Follow the blood.

We carried on until we found a motel, it led to the number 8 door. I was about to knock loudly when I suddenly heard the most amazing voice coming from the room, it was Tris singing reflection like she watched from Mulan her favourite Disney film. She sounded amazing, but at the same time I knew every word she would sing was true to how she was feeling.

Look at me

I will never pass for a perfect bride (sniffle)

Or a perfect daughter

Can it be (sniffle)

I'm not meant to play this part?

Now I see that if I were truly to be myself

I would break my family's heart (sniffle)

Who is that girl I see?

Staring straight

Back at me

Why is my reflection someone I

Don't know

Somehow I cannot hide

Who I am

Though I've tried

When will my reflection show

Who I am inside

When will my reflection show

Who I am

Inside... (large sob)

I walked in to the room and saw tris sobbing to her self looking in the mirror. I put my hand on her shoulder, she gasped and shook violently in fear. I saw her face to see marks all over. I asked what was wrong and she said one word that could make me burst into flames...


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