Chapter 5 - He winked at me

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Christina and just invited me to sit with her and her friends at lunch and I agreed as I finally had a friend. Suddenly I hear my phone ring which is a nokia 310 used for only Marcus to get hold of me. I picked it up smiling but hiding my embarrassment and fear. I held it up to my ear and whispered,

"Hello?" I was scared.

"Well bitch when you get home I expect my dinner made and you in your room ready for Monday's beating!" He bellowed, I'm sure Christina could even hear it, heck the whole school. I kept my smile on to hide my fear so she would get worried as her eyes struck at me. I said to Marcus,

"Okay I will, thank you daddy bye bye!" I hung up hiding my shaky hand.

Christina said to me "wow you must be really close with your dad aww that's cute. I heard he's the new cheif, my mom met him and he's really kind, you're so lucky"

The words made me want to throw up and tell her everything how she was wrong but i couldn't, I just agreed. I then saw that guy again who is my new neighbour staring at me. I felt my cheeks grow warm and so I poked Christina and asked,

"Hey who's that over there?" She looked over and then said to me

"That's Four Eaton" I loved that name wow so original.

She said to me "He's the gang leader of the mob, the strongest gang in the USA"

No wonder everyone was scared haha. Now I know why his tattooed is blank on the heart, every gang leader is supposed to put the name of the girl they love on the heart. He is so hot to be a gang leader and at such a young age.

My dad was the leader of a gang and has the heart tattoo with mums name...but he resigned from it and finally chose to just have the police career when I was 12. He sliced off the name so he couldn't see it again. I grew up around gangs so I wasnt scared at all of this so called 'mob' gang or the gang leader four.

Christina looked at my fearless face and asked me,

"Aren't you afraid?"

I replied with "not at all, I don't know him so I shouldn't judge him" I looked back at him to see him wink at me. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I smiled and looked away. He winked at me!

Christina said to me,

"No girl has ever melted his heart, you walk up to him and he will turn you away. But I have a feeling since he can't stop staring at you, I want to ship you!! Omg fourtris!! Yes you will end up together! I can see it now omg" I smiled and punched her arm jokily.


I saw her look at me as if she just found out my name. I'm surprised she didn't look scared at all. But wait why has she got that mark on her face! Did someone touch her! My princess! Wait she looked at me again. All my anger rushed away.

I'd decided to wink at her but thought i was an idiot straight after. that was until I saw her smile softly and saw her cheeks tint pink. This made me warm and happy to see her smile. Max, the second in command of my gang said,

"Boss we have to go to lunch." I snapped back to the normal me and nodded to him. She was still in my mind.


I walked with Christina and she introduced me to her friend. I was suprised to see four sitting next to me and his gang there with them. She saw my face and said to me "oh I thought you would be frightened so I lied but I'm in the gang as are the rest of them haha so we have...." she introduced me to them all:
And finally four

I talked to all of them and finally got into the mood and we had alot of fun. I tried dauntless cake and oh was it good! The whole time me and four were exchanging glances and I kept blushing. Before we left for singing, I loved singing so much

He winked at me... again.

We walked into singing and he chose the seat next to me again. The teacher called my name and asked me to come up and sing for the class.

I walked up and said,

"My name's Tris and I'll be singing my original song called just a little bit of your heart" (pretend she sounds like Ariana grande)

The gang stared at me smiling and cheered

I began:

I don't ever ask you

Where you've been

And I don't feel the need to

Know who you're with

I can't seem think straight

But I can tell

That you were just with her

And I'll still be a foooooooool

I'm a fool for youuu

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit is all im asking for

I don't ever tell you

How I really feel

Cuz I can't find the words to

Say what I mean

Nothings ever easy

That's what they say

I know I'm not your only

But I'll still be a foooooooool

Cuz Im a fool for youuu

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit is all im asking fooooooor

Just a little biiiiiit

Hmmmm ney yayayaayaaaaa

I know I'm not your only

But at least I'm one

I heard a little love

Is better than nooone

Ohhhhhhhhh baaaaaaaaabe (everyone was cheering now)

Heaaaart is all I want

Oh just a little bit of your heart

All Im Asking fooooooor!

Just a little bit of your heart bay

Is all i want

Just a little bit

Just a little bit is all im asking fooooooor

I stopped singing and everyone began to cheer loudly and I smiled at them. Four looked blown away and was smiling brightly at me.

I began to tear up in happiness and hugged my new friends hoping in would last forever.

But sooner or later...

I would have to go back home...

To the darkness...

The bell rang and we said our goodbyes. I hope four doesnt want to be my friend, he won't want someone like me next door, especially as he hates girls.

I strolled home dreading what was too come.

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