Chapter 4 - First Day of School

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I could feel the throb of my right cheek and eye area as I walked to school. I managed to get there for 8:50 right before school started at 9:00. I walked to the office slowly because pain began to sink in but i wouldn't let my smile disappear. Mum wouldn't want a self centred miserable girl for a daughter.

My stomach was sore with bruises, my arms had multicoloured multiple bruises on. My legs had bruises on and finally my back... whip slashes all over it. I was ugly, I was fat, i was lonely and I was tired. But I have to keep smiling for mum.

I got to the office and they gave me my schedule.

"Great... math" I thought to myself.

I rushed to the class trying not to get lost and sat in the back row corner before everyone sat down choosing there seats. I kept my head down so no one would see my face. It had a big bruise and I was ugly anyway.

Some girls approached me which I dreaded. They smirked with evil grins and said to me,

"So new girl, why you looking down? Did mummy and daddy give you a face too ugly for show?" They all laughed historically and walked off to there seats.

Great another bully... she will be trouble.

Suddenly a figure approached me and I looked up to see a beautiful young girl who had brown short hair and a beautiful brown skin colour. She said to me,

"Hey! You must be new! I'm Christina... OMG! Your face! What happend!?!?!?" She startled me but I smiled as usual and said,

"Hi I'm Tris and don't worry about me haha I tripped last night when I was walking down the stairs."

She replies with "Oh good I thought someone hit you hahaha but you seem to kind for that!"

Little did she know... I just kept smiling and she kept talking to me to the point where she sat down in front of me and decided that was her seat. No one has ever wanted to willingly sit with me, I was so happy but maybe she felt sorry for me...

Suddenly a group of really hot looking boys strolled in. They all had a tattoo that looked the same, all of them were muscular and were hot as hell! Suddenly the boy I saw this morning walked in and everyone  went silent. He stared at everyone with an intimidating look until he saw me, he stopped and looked at me for what seemed like ages, his face softened and he looked at me like I was the only person in this world .


I walked into class with my mates from my gang and looked around to see where to sit. Then I saw her, I saw my princess in my class! This was great, what should I do?? I know I'll sit next to her. Wait I'm the gang leader I can't be happy and lose my cool.

I just strolled up to the back and I sat next to her which the gang followed and surrounded me, Christina flinched when she saw me sit down, Christina is part of my gang but we can't tell the new girl yet. This beautiful girl next to me did nothing but had a worried face looking at Christina. She wasn't scared of me at all wow, I heard her say,

"Hey are you okay? What's wrong you seem scared?" Her voice sounded so soft and sweet like and angel.

Christina nodded slowly and just replied with,

"Sorry Tris haha I'm fine thank you you?" She laughed.

So Tris? Wow what a gorgeous name to have. My princess was perfect. However she did not answer back to Christina's question.
She must be selfless and not wanted others to care about her. She's so kind.

Class started but I couldn't take my eyes off of her.


I tried looking away from the boy I saw but realised he was staring at me throughout the entire lesson, I wasn't scared I was just curious in wonder as to what he was thinking. People were scared of all of the boys that walked him. Christina even flinched. Why would he pick the seat next to me???

Class ended and I had finally made a friend after all these years.

Suddenly someone touched my shoulder, I looked up to find a boy staring at me... who was he??? I looked passed this guy's shoulder to find the boy that lived next door on the other side of the corridor glaring at him like he was his prey.

The guy who grabbed me then said,

"Hey, come here" he took my hand and rather than me drop it away he just yanked me, I almost tripped. Christina looked angry and so did the other boys.

Everyone went silent as he yanked me to the front of the class.

"I'm Tom and you must be an angel" he said. those words hit me like a tonne of bricks... angel! An angel! Just like my father would call me! He's a liar!

"Come on sweetie give me a kiss while everyone is looking and you'll be safe my angel" he said. Marcus used to say I would be safe...

Anger built up and I said with a smile "I'm sorry I don't really want to" I tried to leave but he tightened his grip, I flinched and tried to get away without being violent . No one was helping until Christina yelled

"Hey prick let her go!" The boys started standing up and were about to grab him when I suddenly used me defense skills and grabbed his arm off my wrist. I twisted it and flipped him over so he was on the ground.

Everyone gasped and then cheered at me, the boys whistling. Christina wrapped me I'm a hug and led me to my chair again. My sex god neighbour next to me winked and said,

"Nice work princess" I smiled at the nickname and blushed slowly.

Who was he??

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