I scoffed and walked away. So much for answering my damn question. Why wouldn't anyone tell me? I mean, it would be my sort of right to know! I stepped outside and rested on dirt ground outside.

"What are you doing out at this time, miss?" Smiles cat companion, Grinny asked, Looking down at me from a tree in his form.

"I'm mad at almost everyone in the house." I looked up.

He jumped down and turned to a human, however still in his form... it looked half cat half human.

"And why is that?" His s' s trailed like a hiss of a snake. It was a unique and interesting accent.

"Nobody will tell me my death." I shrugged.

"Oh, that's inconvenient."


"Well, is there other things they're hiding?" He asked.

"Nobody will tell me my full power... They said I'll have to figure it out myself. And also they won't let me go into the over realm by myself." I complained.

"Slender is a bossy one...." He suggested.

"Yes. He is. But why won't they tell me my death?" I asked, hoping maybe Grinnys lack of a house, and his wondering the underrealm would help with knowledge of knowing specific details and reasons of the secrets kept here

"Well... Maybe just like your full power, they want you to find it for yourself." He fiddled slightly with the whiskers of diffrent lengths on his cheeks.

"But... how?"

"Well Your Ben Drowned's relative. Normally relatives share the same deaths. The the Slender Brothers. And Zalgos messagers and fighters. They were once brothers, uncles, and cousins." He leaned in. "The loving bond of a family is hard to terminate. Which is why you are here, with your brother." Grinny explained, quite well.

"Are you suggesting me and Ben shared the same deaths?"

"Yes. Except it was him who killed you. You have diffrent murderers behind your storys, but you share the same blood, haven't you wondered why you looked half like him? and half like a proxy?"

"When we were alive we were twins, and we looked exactly alike, exept that I had girl features."

"Yes. That is what I mean." Grinny smiled.

"So you're saying, because we're related, we have the same deaths. And powers?" I asked.

"Yes. Youre the lucky one, however, each of slender's proxy has a special talent. You have proxy talent, and Bens talent. Enjoy it. A lot of people here wish to have that greatness." Grinny leaned back again, and got up.

"What should I do?" I called back "To find out my power?"

"Think of your human self."

Was all he said before a clock chimed, as he turned into full cat form and ran off, back into an oasis of trees.

My human self....? What was I like....?

Bens pov

I woke up, Dawn was sleeping still, snoreing softly in her sleep.

I found my sister outside. Looking confused.

"And you're out here because....?" I asked, walking up towards her.

"I was talking to grinny. About myself."

"Oh? What did you two talk about?"

"My death. And the powers I hold. That since we were related with the same blood, we shared powers..."

What she said shocked me... It was true... Damn that cat! He is always giving people too much information! I clenched my fist. I didn't want her knowing how powerful her proxy was.... I don't know why. I just thought maybe I'd lose her... or shed lose herself.

"Yeah... Thats true." I said softly.

"So... That's why every time I mess with Jeffs phone he gets mad." She nodded.

I laughed. I used to do that, it was my training, so I didn't go overboard on humans, to where they'd ignore me.

"Yes that's why. And... I'll tell you you're powers... But promice me one thing." I pled.

"You will!! Oh thank you!" Bec picked me up and spun me around.

"What's the promice?" She smiled.

I sighed, looking down. "You won't leave me. Ever... Please stay here."

"Or course I promise! I won't leave you." She wrapped her arms around my waist, and pulled me into a hug.

"Ok... But don't be surprised." I hugges back.

I decided it would be better to demonstrate.

"I'm going to take you to the human forests." I announced, technology like- bringing her there. After all... She had two powers to learn. Mine. and a Proxys.

"First to cover: Technology." I held out a phone. Showing her the basics of traveling and hacking.

((((Here's a little extra part for you guys))))

Dawns pov

I sat up and coughed slighly. I crashed hard after my training. I was getting good and this strange new body of mine was finally starting to make sence. There were a few minor problems, like I was finding it hard to swich for long periods of time, before my real skin shows through my disguise, which was not good.

Ben said I'd get better, just like Becca had. Becca had become more of a proxy each day, and her form had fully developed, which meant I'd have to practice and train with her eventually.

"Morning Chameleon." Jeff teased.

I smiled, and continued on down the hall.

I was greeted by all the people out of there rooms. Some called me still, Dawn. And some called me chameleon.

I walked into the kitchen to find Slender messing with a teabag, looking annoyed.

"Hello Slender." I said, sitting down beside me.

"Oh... Hey." He seemed lost in thought.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked softly.

"Just how I'm going to mange by without Zalgo on my heels." He sighed. What did that guy still want?

"I thought he was done?"

"He'd do anything to expand his army. And you'd be a perfect leader for the human realm sypers." He said, stiring his tea.

"But I don't want to work with him." It was true. He nearly took my soul to make me a permanent slave.

"Very few do. But I'm sure he'll try and find a way."

Whatever that meant, I reasured Slender, I didn't want to be anyone's slave, and I wanted to be in this house.

"Hoodie did you ever have any complications,  when you were a beginning proxy?" I asked, knocking on his and Maskys door.

"What... Why?" The doorknob turned and Hoodies familer orange jacket was placed into my view.


*please rea*

Guys I'm sorry. I'll finish Dawns part in the next chapter. I twisted my right arm and I have it in a sling.  so its going to  be hard to update and I hate to keep you guys waiting. I will try to update frequently. :) Also sorry this one kinda sucked

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My Savior (A BEN Drowned fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now