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  Life. It has it's ups and it has it's downs, but in the end it's not your beginning that matters most, it's your ending. Whether you receive a hapily ever after or not, isn't what we should be worried about, it's what we did to make others happy. No man is hapily remembered by many because of selfishness, only because of what they did to inspire others. Endings could be either happy, sad, or bitter sweet, depending on how you decide to see it. An ending means a new beginning, one chapter of our life is over, but there's a whole new one ready to start.

  Failure. Many people fear failure, and therefore they don't try new things, but if you don't try, you already fail. If your afraid to fail, then don't, you only fail when you choose not to get back up again. Inevitably, we will all eventually fall sometime, but we choose to either get back up, or lie there, face down, in the mud, cursing Newton and gravity. As Winston Churchill once said 'Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm', and it's true, you only loose when you give up.

  I might not have moved on completely from the past, but I'm getting there. This ending might not be perfect but who said it had to be? Here I, Kayla Joyce, the garbage bin baby, stand today, telling you there's light at the end of the tunnel. Not that I've been at the end of the tunnel, but that I see the light from here. Sure, I'm just a character in a book, and in real life orphans might not be so lucky, but there are real orphans that are adopted into good families; just like there's real orphans that have been abused but got out of it.

  Your life does not get better by Chance, it gets better by Change.

                     The End

A/N: I know its a short epilogue, and this book sucks, but maybe over time I'll make it better and longer idk. I hope this book had a somewhat good......something..to it...I guess? Ik its hardly enjoyable, sry...this is my first book since I was 13(ish) I've published (which was deleted)....sooo it being absolutely terrible should be somewhat understandable.

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