Connor's evil past?

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Chapter 21: Connor's evil past?

  Connor sits me down on one of the seats, and takes some sandwiches out of the tiny fridge beside the couch he is sitting on. Quietly he puts the sandwiches on the coffee table that is in-between the couch and two armchair seats opposite of the couch. I raise my brow at him, silently asking what they were talking about just moments before. "I'll tell you everything later, not now" he assures with a sigh. We eat silently, Connor looking up at me every so often. "You okay, you looked like a monster was chasing you when you came to sit in my lap" Connor says, with a worried look on his face. "I'm fine now, don't worry" I give him a sad smile, "hey, you can always tell me, you know" he coos, picking me up from my seat and sitting me on his lap, then staring at me with his gorgeous green eyes that I'm totally jealous of.....I nod.

"I know, I just....its just....not stuff you talk about" I struggle to answer, "whys that?" Connor isn't trying to be nosey but it is very annoying when he's curious. I frown, "its....just....just not" I groan in frustration, "but why though? Its killing me, seeing you so hurt, and I can't do anything about it. Can't you at least tell me one thing, I'm your brother?" Connor begs, I groan again. Tears pricking at my eyes, "it sucked? I really don't know what to say that wouldn't get you mad" I look at him, he sighs. "I wouldn't be mad or look at you any different, if anything would change it'd because I respect you more, Kay. I promise I won't tell anyone, on the planet, ever. Unless you want me to, of course" he bargains. I sigh, "only a little" I scold, he quickly nods in agreement. 

"Well...I don't know where to start.....Ryder..." I flinch as I say his name, "he foster dad...w-when I was six, seven, and eight....he was always angry....he would call us names, and, and S-sammy" I shut my eyes, trying to stop the tears, as think about the beautiful blonde that saved my life countless times. "W-we'd always go against him, s-sometimes s-she'd get in fist fights w-with him. S-she always t-took my punishments and defended me. I-if she d-didn't take c-care of me, he'd probably would' know?" I look at Connor in desperation, hoping I wouldn't have to tell him. "I don't know, tell me" he answers calmly, "w-would ha-have raped m-me....butSammyneverlethim" I quickly answer, closing my eyes so tight, wishing I could just disappear. "What happened? How'd you get out of there?" Connor asks gently, wiping the tears off my cheek.

I let out a sob, "one-one day he did i-it to Sammy a-and he was d-drunk. He wanted t-to do it t-to me, I-I thought Sammy was going to let him, b-but she only left t-to grab a knife. I don't know what happened much after that, I was soon thrown across the room and blacked out" only partially lieing, I did get thrown across the room and blacked out but I do know what happened after she grabbed the knife, but that I could never tell anyone. I once promised to myself, I'd never tell anyone, and I plan on never breaking that promise. I could never tell anyone that....I can't even finish thinking about it. It was my fault, all my fault.

I slowly flutter my eyes open, realizing I'm in a car. I stretch, "howdy darlin, you feelin better?" Bailey asks gently, I smile and nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you" I smile bright, hiding my depression deep inside. Just because I'm going down, I refuse to drag anyone down with me. "We're almost to the ranch, I can't wait. We'll do all kinds of fun things" Bailey beams, making my smile to widen. Connor sighs, "I'm tired" he whines, causing everyone to raise a brow at his childish behavior, "I am" he whines in response.

After driving about another thirty minutes in the countryside, we drive into a driveway. The driveway has a field on each side, on has a herd of horses, the other has cows. When we reach the house, its a white-ish grey two story house. A cute, small flower garden in front of the house, everything about the house screams country home. I get out of the pick up truck through my door and Connor out of his, to be honest ever since I was adopted I haven't been in a uglier vehicle. "Lets go through the main five rules, then y'all can take your things to your rooms, and look 'round. First, clean after yourself, second; if we tell y'all to or not to do something, listen. Third, don't bother the bull unless yous want us to scrape you off the ground. Four, you want to eat breakfast y'all need to wake up at seven, five; you break the horse you keep it's yours to keep" Birch confuses me with that last part. It must have showed on my face since Bailey explains, "this is mainly a horse ranch, we sale, breed, break, compete, and ride horses" I nod, " if I learned to break a horse, what's that mean?" still confused. Bailey laughs softly, "dear, it's when you train a wild or new horse" my mouth forms into an 'o' with realization. "So if I did, I could keep it?" Bailey chuckles a little more, "whatever you want" she answers, Birch disappeared after he told us the rules.

After unpacking, I ate dinner and looked around the house and yard, then went to bed. Then woke up a seven, pulled on some dark jeans, and a black T-shirt, then wear the cowgirl boots Eliza bought for me. "Good mornin' dear, sleep well?" Bailey's sweet accent reaches me, I walk into the kitchen and realize Connor isn't up, if he doesn't wake up soon he'll miss breakfast. Realizing this, I run up the stairs quickly then burst through the door beside mine. I jump on the bed, "Conny, wake up, you need to eat" I say in a sing song voice. The blankets move from under me, then I hear Connor grumble "five more minutes" I roll my eyes, "nope, c'mon" popping the 'p' when I say 'nope', I pull the blankets off him.

Eventually, I manage to get the king of sleep to get up, and dressed, no I didn't help him dress. "G'mornin kids, Kayla was in here a few minutes ago, but ran back up the stairs before I could offer her food. I guess she went to wake you up, Connor" she laughs out, handing us both a plate with scrambled eggs, pancakes, and ham on it.

After breakfast, we help doing a garden, feed calves and foals, as well as other chores. We are currently at the barn, me sitting on a stack of hay, "we're alone, you gonna tell me or what?" I raise my brow. Connor huffs, but nods in agreement none the less, "the year before you joined the family, I had stayed here for the entire summer and there was an accident, my friend Dakota died" he answers vaguely. "Oh come on" I whine, "details" I say in a stereotypical blonde voice, putting my hands on my hips for effect. That makes him laugh, "well, we went to a river, he fell in the water and got dragged away. For some reason everyone blames me for what happened" Connor just shrugs, you know what for now on I'm calling him Conny, it's his new nickname. I look in his eyes for any hint that might say he's holding back or lying, but come up empty. "Kay" I nod, happy with his answer, "you kids hungry, lunch is ready" we hear Bailey call out from the house. "Race you there" I say before taking off, of course I would've lost if it wasn't for Conny tripping over his own feet.

I almost fall down from laughing so hard, pointing at a beat red faced Conny. "He...haha...tripped...o-over-HA...own fee-feet hahaha" I attempt to explain my uncontrollable laughs to Birch and Bailey who are watching us in confusion. After five minutes or so, I finally manage to gain control of my laughs. I'm wearing a huge grin the entire time we eat are sandwiches, teasing Connor every chance I get. All of a sudden, Conny's phone buzzes, his whole face lights up when he looks at who it is. "Leilani?" I ask, then lean over to him, and read the text.

Leilani: hey, I heard you went to your grandparents house in texas, it true?

"Ooo, she wants to know if the rumors are true, say yeah" I tell him, he quickly does. "Ask her where she's at" I order probably chewing in his ear, but he obeys anyway. She answers almost immediately,

Leilani: On my way to dance class.

"She dances" I comment, he nods grinning like a cashmere cat.

A/N: I decided that once I reach 25 chapters I'll quit and make a sequel. I also have a new book idea and can't wait to create something new. I think I might not make the sequel till I have at least 5 chapters in my new book to be.

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