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A/N: If you can't see the full pic just click/press on it. I just want to thank anyone who is actually willing to read this absolutely terrible book. Please read, comment (even if it's just to correct my spelling), and vote (if you like the book of course).

If you see this> {Edited} on the top the page that means the chapter you are reading is edited.

  Kayla Joyce is dumped in a garbage bin only hours after her birth. If not for a homeless man named Dixie, Kayla wouldn't be alive, seeing as how she was born on a cold December night (December 17 is what I've chosen) she would've froze to death. Kayla has seen the best of people and sadly the worst of people. She definitely has met some terrible people who have made her go through unspeakable things. With a bad start, and even worse experiences, will her past continue to haunt her or will she find peace?

  At age ten Kayla is adopted by the rich James family, will this family be better then the previous one? Will her secrets be unravelled or will they stay in the dark? What actually happened to Kayla? How did it happen? This is Kayla's story, how she learns to live again, even after years of pure torment.

This book will be written in third POV at first but will switch to Kayla's POV.

Sorry for the short Prologue I will probably lengthen it in the future but til then oh well.

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