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  Chapter 12: Nightmares

  When we finally arrive at a mall, One gets out of the drivers seat, and opens my door, Connor and Brooke don't bother waiting for him to reach their side of the car to open their doors. We then all head to the mall, One is walking behind us, wearing a black suit and tie. "Sir, what's your name?" I ask before I can rethink, "Shane, miss" One, now Shane, answers politely, but clearly not interested in chatting. "Why do you call me miss?" I question. "For God sake, Kayla its his job. Stop bothering the poor guy" Connor's annoyed voice means he's probably still mad at me for helping Brooke, wake him up.

Mental list of things not to do:
1) Don't wake up Connor, ever.

"Soorry, Geez. I'll never make the mistake of bothering you while your asleep again. My goodness, I wasn't asking you anyway" I mumble to myself. Connor glares at me, while Shane doesn't open his mouth again. "This is Kayla's first day with us and you haven't been nice to her at all" Brooke scolds Connor. "Could I go to the guys area, or something while you girls do whatever you do?" Connor asks. "Okay, Shane you go with him" Brooke orders, as she hands Connor a couple hundred dollor bills, Shane just follows Connor, as Connor acts as if he's not even there, I gape at how much money Brooke just handed Connor, as if it only fivr bucks. "Why's Connor sucha jerk, Brooke?" I regain my composure, and ask, Brooke sighs, "he doesn't like to share, he's been an only child his whole life, and he's a little stubborn, when comes to sharing" Brooke explains. "Funny....I got the impression he's stubborn with everything" I mutter. Brooke just laughs, "yeah that's Connor for you."

~~~~~~~~After shoping~~~~~~~~
I sit by the left window in the back seat, while Connor sits by the right window. While Shane sits in the driver's seat, and Brooke sits in the passenger seat. We just dropped off Bow at the doggy school. So she could learn basic obedience training, Connor should've gone with her, that way he could learn to be nice on command.

"No, no, PLEASE NO! I swear I won't tell anyone, just let me GO! PLEASE!" a familiar voice screams, so painfully familiar. "Leave her alone!" I shout as tears flow, "please" I plead in a desperate whisper, as he glares at me. He drags her into his bedroom, as she screams for someone to help her, for him to please stop, but no one comes to help her, and he doesn't stop. "Don't make this harder then it needs to be" he snarls making me shudder in fear. "NO!" Her blood curdling screams can be heard as he slams the door shut, and throws her across the room.

"No" I whisper, as my eyes burst open as I sit up immediately, "what?" Connor asks looking at me as if I've grown a second head. I quickly realize I'm in the car, "your crying, sweetheart? Is something the matter?" Brooke questions with a worried frown.

I can't tell her, or anyone. No one can know. I'm not the little angel most think I am.

"N-nothing I'm fine, just a dream, I must've dozed off" I stutter at first but put on a huge fake smile, and shrug. Connor is still staring at me as if I'm Bigfoot or something, while Brooke looks like Hannah did last night, but decides to change the subject. "Right....that's weird how you got a 'nightmare' last night, and began screaming bloody mary, and now again" Connor notes. "Kayla, would like to learn to surf?" Brooke asks dismissing Connor's comment. "Yes, I'd love to" I say overly cheerful, Connor seems to be the only one to notice I'm still shaken but doesn't say anything, instead he just put his earphones in and looks out the window. "Well then, we'll have to schedule a day for teaching you to surf" Brooke answers.

The rest of the car ride back is quiet, except Connor's phone which doesn't stop buzzing, I guess he's texting someone. When we get home, Hannah and another woman walk up to me, "Kayla, this is Miss Clark, she will be your governess" Hannah informs with a smile, pointing to the woman next to her, she has sunflower blonde hair, charcoal eyes, she's thin and only about 5'6, and looks like she belongs in a beauty pageant. I give her a sweet smile and ask "what's a governess?" Hannah smiles. "A governess is a teacher that teaches inside your home, you will go to regular school, but Ms Clark will help you with homework and will help teach you the things you learn at school. So she'll be like your tutor" Hannah explains. "Hello, young lady" Ms Clark greets me with a beautiful smile, "hello, Ms Clark" I politely acknowledge her.

"You will never leave me, your mine, AND ONLY MINE!" the devil himself growls in her face, as she holds me behind her back. "NO! You can't control me, you can't break me, not me! Maybe you can control them" she points to the other two kids that live with us, a boy and girl, who are crying silently in the corner, then continues, "but not ME! And I won't let you harm her!" I know she's talking about me when she says 'her'. I shake in fear behind her, and shut my eyes tight. I hear his big hand come in contact with her face once again. "Go ahead! Do it again, you can hit me 'till I die, but I won't bow to you, you evil, evil DEVIL!" she dares to yell, I force my eyes to open, when I feel her move around. When I open my eyes, to see his hand wrapped around her throat, slowly lifting her up by the neck, untill she is above him. "PLEASE STOP! STOP! YOU'LL KILL HER!" I scream as her face turns blue, I can hear her trying to gasp for air. He then throws her across the room, I then run to her side. She moans as I lift her head and hold her in my lap, I brush my small fingers through her blonde hair. "Take this garbage to the trash" he orders, then the other two kids come to my side and help me drag her to the room.

I feel my hair stick to my face and tears once again pour out like waterfalls. Bow licks away my tears as I try to calm my heart, as I look around and realize I'm in my room.

Its okay Kayla, your safe at home. Home.

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