Two and a half years later

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(A/N: ^Kayla's boots^ but imagine them a tiny bit shorter.)

Chapter 16: Two and a half years later.

~Two years and seven months~
I shoot up in bed, her voice ringing in my head, tears falling. I look at the clock, its only four-thirty a.m. but I know there's no use trying to go back to sleep. So I get out of bed and take a much needed shower. I let the warm water flow, and let the soft sound of the drops of water hitting my skin, and the floor drown out the voices and screams I hear in the back of my head. My nightmares have started to go away, little by painfully little, but I still get unlucky and wake up from them. After an hour shower, I walk towards my walk-in closet. After I walk into my closet, I grab my under clothes and a pair of black leggings, a black tank top, and a white long, loose blouse that reaches my lower thigh. I then put on black short booties, then sit in front of my vanity. I pick up my phone, which I got the year before, as a birthday present. I decide to text Madie, ever since I told Alex and Logan off, we've been inseparable, but before I could pick up my phone, I get text.

Nance: HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!

I smile, of course Nancy would remember its my birthday today. Ever since I got a phone Nancy has been texting me at least once a week, about four months after I was adopted by Hannah and Eliza, Nance was adopted by the Anderson family, who don't have any kids other then Nancy. Before I could text Nancy back I get another text.


To Nance: thnx wyd?

To Madie: tank yoo, we gonna hang out l8r?

I text both girls, then I brush my hair and pull out the blow dryer, and begin to work on my hair.

Nance: nuthin much jus gettin ready 4 school, hbu?

Madie: sure, u havin bday partay?

They both text one after another.

To Nance: doin' me hair, I miss u

To Madie: dunno, see yah later?

Nance: awww, I miss you to

Madie: kay c ya l8r

To Nance: call me after breakfast?
I really would love to keep texting the girls, but I, as well as them need to eat and go to school.

Nance: sure thing :)

After I finish my hair I look at the clock.


I walk out of my room right into Connor, "sorry" I mutter before walking away before he could say anything back to me. Just because he was like an older brother to me, really nice (sometimes anyway), and I didn't mind chatting with the girls all day, doesn't mean I'm having a good day. After I woke up this morning, I knew I wasn't going to be in such a good mood, whenever I wake from a nightmare I have a bad day, that's just something I learned from experience.

After breakfast, Shane drives me and Connor, who is now sixteen, to school, I'm going to middle-school and he goes to high school. As soon as I get out of the car, I wave goodbye to the boys and Shane. "H-happy Birthday, K-kayla!" Madie squeals behind me. "Heeey, wattcha up to?" I ask, "l-let's go to class b-before w-we're late" Madie says.

~~~~Lunch in the Cafeteria~~~~
"Hey, girly's" I hear a fake happy, high pitched voice behind me and Madie. I immediately recognize the voice, "what'd you want Alex" I whine, then turn around to see him and Logan standing behind us smirking. "We've decided, you'd appreciate our magnificent presence" Logan says as if it was obvious. "Oh, yeah? Well I think, we do NOT appreciate your magnificently annoying presence" I say in an oh-so sweet voice, shrugging innocently. "U-um, th-they c-could sit h-here with us? R-right, Kayla?" Madie elbows me, giving me hopeful smile, she's had a crush on Logan for a long, long time. "If you say's so" I say clearly annoyed. "Soooo... we heard its your birthday, Kay" Alex says, I cringe at the nickname, "don't ever call me that" I snap. Alex, Logan, and Madie are taken aback by my sudden burst, "-la, Kayla" he quickly adds, "why do you have problemo if I call you that?" Alex asks, sincerely curious. "Jus'cus, and yes, today's by birthday." "Happy birthday then" Logan pipes. "How old are you now?" Alex asks, I give him a confused face and narrow my eyes.

Why does he all-of-sudden care to know?

"Thirteen" I start to eat my lunch from, and completely ignore Alex and Logan the rest of the lunch time.

Hannah picks me and Madie up from school, and takes us shopping. When were done shopping we head to my house. When we arrive everything is dark and quiet, too quiet. Luara doesn't come to open the door, no one seems home? Hannah unlocks the door and I push it open. "SURPRISE!!" I hear a chorus of shouts as the lights turn on in a flash. I jump back startled but immediately can't help the gigantic grin sprouting on my face.

For the next few hours I spend opening gifts, eating, joking, and having a good time with my new friends Then after everyone leaves I lay wide awake in my bed staring at ceiling wondering what would life be like if my real parents never left me to die. All the painful 'would ifs', the nagging  'I should've done something' and the 'but you did not's play in my mind, painfully clawing at my heart. I feel a warm tear slowly roll down my cheek as I seem to become completely incapable of moving.

I try to shoot up in bed, but can't. After a few moments I the pain comes crashing down and I'm completely debilitated by the throbbing pains that feels my body. I close my eyes and slowly open them again, the entire room I'm in is completely white, 'a hospital room' I think to myself. Then all the memories of most likely why I was here flood back, and immediately scream "Sammy! Sammy where are you! I'm scared Sammy!" but no answer comes. I hear faint hurried footsteps outside of my room, then the door burst open and a nurse rushes in. "Shh.. its okay sweety, you're okay" the nurse coos sweetly to me. "Wh-where's S-sam-my" my voice cracks. The nurse gives me a sad smile, and turns away. 

When the flashback is finally over I realize I'd been crying buckets. I'm left confused, hurt, and alone. On the outside I have a family, friends, and people who look after me, but deep down inside I'm still alone. No one understands my hurt, much less knows about it.

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