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  Chapter 24: Leilani

  Leilani and I ended up falling asleep on my bed after talking for a few hours. Currently, Leilani is sitting on the vanity seat, while I'm doing her hair into a side fish tail braid. "Your hair is pretty, very light too" I compliment, she smiles as she looks at me through the mirror. "Thank you" she blushes slightly as she says this, I smile back, I then pull a few pieces of hair out to frame her face, and give her a natural look. I then spin her around and say, "I'mma do your make up, after I'm done you can look" my hair and lip gloss was already on, since I don't wear make up really. Right now it's about six in the morning and we're getting ready for school.

Once I'm satisfied, I give Leilani a slight nod, with a big smile. I watch as she looks into the mirror, and huge smile grows on her face, "Omigosh, I look so pretty, thank you" she gushes. Leilani is wearing a light soft pink lipstick, mascara, a light amount of eyeliner winging a little at the corners of her eyes making her electric blue eyes pop, and a tiny bit of gold eye shadow. "Are you guys ready yet?" Con whines from the other side of the door, making us giggle, I'm wearing dark skinny jeans and a black crop top, with a white tank top under and black and white vans. While Leilani is wearing white skinny jeans, a purple blouse, along with white and purple Nike running shoes.

"Cmom" I giggle, dragging Leilani out, I swing open the door to see Con's fist mid-air about to knock, he's wearing dark jeans, a white T-shirt, and black ankle Nikes. Once his eyes land on Leilani, who I'm now calling Lani, his jaw drops. "Uh...Con...bro, you might wanna to close your mouth, you don't want to catch a fly" I chime, Con's jaw quickly snaps closed, making me roar in laughter. "Oh-oh goodness...haha...that was hi-hilarious" I choke out in laughter.

"Les go before Con embarrasses himself again" I muse, with a smug look, smiling brightly. "Oh that was good" I chime to myself, marching ahead of the to horny teens...well I'm a teen too......but...I'm not horny...Con is mainly the horny teen...whatever you get me. I grab a pre-buttered up toast from Hannah's plate, "mornin' mom, dad" I give each a kiss on the cheek. Then pour myself a glass of milk, "morning princess" Eliza greets the same time Hannah says "good morning darling" both smiling brightly, they love it when I call them mom and dad.

"We have some interesting new-" Hannah cuts herself off when Con and Lani walk in hand in hand. "Connor Benedict James! That better not be another one-" Connor cuts Eliza off, while Lani frowns. "She slept in Kay's room" Con explains quickly, Eliza and Hannah look at me for confirmation, I nod. Then I realize something, my eyes go wide, I slowly turn back to Con. O.M.G....his...his...MIDDLE NAME IS BENEDICT!!!! "Yo-your...your....your middle name is Benedict!?!?" I ask incredulously, Con turns red, I burst out laugh, and Lani chuckles a little but stops when Con glares at her.

  I hold my stomach with my right hand and covering my mouth with the other, my bouncy brown curls in my face. Con will never hear the end of this, Benedict? Seriously? No wonder I didn't know it before...oh goodness, Con is such a bad boy kind of kid, the middle name Benedict just doesn't suit him. "You can stop laughing now" Con grumbles at me, I straighten up, put my hands on my hips, and give him a smug look, then starts cracking up again. He makes a groan-slash-grumble noise, then stomps up to me, and puts a strong hand on my shoulder and shakes me slightly. "Stop!" Con roars, I look at him with a raised brow.

  "Or else what?" I challenge, he grins, "I tickle you to death" his expression serious as he says that. "Benedict....wow, just....WOW...and here everybody thought you were some bad boy....with the old man name Benedict!! Ha!!" I begin laugh my head off again. Con grumbles something under his breath, then throws me over his shoulder, which causes me to laugh more. "H-he...HA! Benedict....Hey! Put.me.down...THIS INSTANCE!!!" I laugh out, kicking and punching, but my futile attempts didn't do much, he just holds my legs down.

  "Mom! Dad! Help!" they just laugh in return, I pick up my head to glare at them as Con begins leaving the kitchen. Lani follows behind not knowing what else to do. "Lani hel-, ooh hi Shane you wanna help a poor girl out" I suggest, as Shane walks through the front door. He also just laughs, and walks away with a "let me know if you survive!" Lani looks confused. Brooke and a few new bodyguards walk through the door. The new bodyguards clech their jaw and fists readying themselves for a fight, with a confused look. Brooke just laughs, and waves us off, earning herself a glare from me.

"How could you!?!?" I cry out dramatically, "just walk by when children are suffering!?!?" I cry out with a sniffle, "traitors!!" I grumble. "What was that?" Con asks, I can hear the smirk in his voice. "TRAITORS TO JUSTICE!!!!" I shout with my fist in the air, causing them to all laugh. "Nice butt" I grumble sarcastically giving up the fight, Con laughs as he puts me on the couch, and begins tickling me like there's no tomorrow. Eventually I'm laughing so hard tears are coming out, and I snort once in a while.

  "Ok! Ok, I'm sorry I made fun of your middle name, I give up. I surrender" I laugh out, he stops and taps the tip of my nose once, "and don't you forget it" I nod. "Wait...what is his middle name?" Matthew asks, coming through the front door, I smirk. "Kayla...you better not..." Con says in a warning voice, perfect payback.....cue the evil laugh. "You really wanna know?" I ask, Matt nods as he walks over to the dining room with me. I put my finger to my chin, pretending to think about it. "Benedict!!!" I shout, then hide under the table, Con rushes in, but everybody is already cracking up.

Con looks around for me grumbling, cursing Gloria for giving him a terrible middle name. I can't help but giggle, but he doesn't seem to hear, since everyone else in laughing very hard. "What's your middle name Matt?!?" Con asks, obviously knowing the answer already. Matt quickly glares at him, "you wouldn't" he grumbles, obviously unsure. "Oh? What makes you so sure about that?" Con raises a brow, Matt scowls at him, "how much?" Matt grumbles grimly.

  Con waves him off with a psht, "puh-lease, I don't want yo money, my dad hired you" Conny gives Matt a pointed look. "Well? What do you want?" Matt looks about ready to get on his knees and beg Con to keep his deepest secret in the dark, Con gives Matt a sadistic smirk. "Please!?!?" Matt begs, looking up at Con with desperate eyes, Con's smirk grows even wider. "O-" Matt cuts Con off by scream singing "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU, LA LA LA LA LA LA LA" everyone wore an amused smiles on their faces. Now, I know this isn't normal bodyguard behavior but Matt and Shane are more then just bodyguards. Plus, after being around me for a certain amount of time, people tend to change.....mostly for the better. Though the three newer bodyguards are trying so hard not to laugh and keep a straight face, but instead they look like their constipated....their faces are so red...maybe I should tell them to just laugh, instead of standing their looking like they need to poop.

  "Oakley!! Kayla, Leilani, time to go, c'mon" Con shouts, dragging us out of the house, as Shane bursts out laughing. Matt begins fake laughing and making fun of Con's middle name. "Your middle name is Benedict?" Lani asked, once we get into Con's car, earning herself a glare from Con. "No it's not, and if I ever hear you say that name again I'll give you the same punishment as Kayla gets when she's bad" Conny answers, deadly calm, Lani's eyes widen and she quickly nods. "Good" Con chirps, smiling wide, then looking back at the road, Lani sits still, obviously confused. She's probably thinking 'this kid is so bipolar' poor Lani.

  I burst out laughing, "if your worried about the punishment, don't worry unless your as ticklish as me. I don't get hit or anything" Lani visibly relaxes when I say this causing be bark out laughing again. "Oh gosh...haha...Con? Hit me? Haha...thas a joke...haha...good one Lani..good one" I laugh out, while Con rolls his eyes. "My ears would get ripped off, and my hair would have numerous bald spots if I didn't follow every instruction she gives me...I couldn't imagine if I tried to hit her" Con mutters, I inwardly grimace when he mentions me getting hit but continue laughing.

  "So my sister Kiana wants to meet you guys, when would be a good time?" Lani asked, as Con pulls into the middle school's parking. "After I pick Kaykay up from school tomorrow we can meet up at the mall since it's Friday" Con answers, with a boyish grin.

A/N: So what I plan on doing is next chapter is the last, and then I'm going to do the Epilogue. This book will technically be completed but I won't officially complete it until I'm finished editing. I would like to start the sequel this year, but with school starting up and my other books that need to be either started or finished I might not be able to, unless I finish a book earlier than expected I probably won't even begin to start until atleast the end of Fall this year.

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