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Chapter 10: Home

  When we finally arrive to a beautiful beach house, the first bodyguard (who I'm calling, One, and the other two, Two and Three) gets out and holds open the door of the limo for us. Two and Three follow us to the house, as we step on the porch a thin woman, with black hair that's pulled back in a tight bun, opens the door, her brown eyes seem to light up. "Mr and Mrs James, you must be tired from the flight" the woman says as she straightens out her maids skirt, her pale white skin shining as the sun touches it.

  We all step in, "this must be Kayla, your more beautiful then in the pictures" a woman who's about as round as she is tall exclaims as she steps out from behind a wall, her brunette hair in a tight bun. I immediately blush, its not very often I'm complimented, so when I am, I don't know what to say. I give her a sweet smile, "whattan angel" Connor sarcastically says while rolling his eyes. I can't help but frown.

What'd I do to him? Geez, yeah he's not used to sharing but he doesn't have to be a jerk.

  "Connor, don't be rude to your new sister" Mr James scolds him. I'm taken aback and gasp when he said 'sister'. I guess he heard me gasp because he turned to me and says "yes, I said 'new sister', your family now, and you will be treated as so. Oh, and please don't call me Mr James, your not my employee, your my daughter, please refer to me as Eliza or dad" he smiles.

I love his texan accent.

  "Yes, Mr- I mean Eliza" I answer, I hope he doesn't get sad because I didn't call him 'dad' but his big smile makes me relax. Its just... not a thing for me to call someone 'mom' or 'dad' since I've never had either before.

   Hannah, and the thin maid who opened the door, named Laura took me to a room on the second floor, to a bedroom that has pale purple walls, with a few pictures hanging on them, the bedroom has a shelf with tons of dolls, the large bed in the middle of the room. Each corner of the bed has a cream metal poll, which all connect at the top to form a rectangular frame, with curtains that are see through purple, and tied to the polls with a blue ribbon, that forms a big bow.

  The bedding is the same baby blue color as the ribbons, with tons of purple and baby blue pillows on the head of the bed. At the end of the bed there's a cream bench that opens and you can put things inside. Behind the bed there's a cream victorian couch pushed up against the bed. The wall behind the bed is a huge glass window, with sliding doors that lead to a balcony, that connects to other rooms, so its pretty much shared.

  The balcony is cream, with flower pots filled with purple rose trees on each side of the sliding door, and a flower pot full of small baby blue flowers on the cream fencing. There is also two small rose bushes with medium white roses on it.

  "Do like your room?" Hannah asks, as I take in everything around me. I nod my head enthusiastically, "is it really all mine?" I ask not believing I not only get a room all to myself but one as gorgeous as this one. "Well......don't think your not going to share" Hannah answers with a serious face, I'm sortta disappointed, but not to much.

Then Laura, the maid walks back up to us, smiling wide, with her hands behind her back. "You'll be sharing your room with this little girl" Laura says as she pulls a Yorkshire Terrier puppy from behind her back. I squeal as I see the little bundle of fur. "What's her name?" I ask as I take the puppy gently into my hands, she then gives a playful bark, the big, pink bow on top her head almost coming out of her fur as she does.

  "I don't know, you tell me" Hannah answers my question with joy written all over her face, "I get to name her!?" I almost scream. Hannah nods, "hmm....Button....nah...Princess....I know.... Bow" I say, as I fix her big, pink bow. "I think that's a great name" Hannah states.

~~~~~~~~~~That night~~~~~~~
  "Don't ever go in his room, ever" a painfully familiar voice warns, as tears fall. Her blonde hair looks as if she had been in a cat fight, her eyes blood red. We sit on the bed, as she looks me in the eyes, "please promise me" her broken voice cries.

  My eyes shoot open, as I immediately sit up, as I hear a blood curdling scream. Tears soak my face and shirt. I hear shuffling outside the door and realize where I am. Home. Hawaii. James family. No need to worry anymore, no one will let that happen again. Hannah comes in and sits beside me on my new bed.

  Sleep in her eyes, as her light pink robe is crumpled, her hair looks like she just got out of bed, but to be fair, she did just get out of bed. "Hey, are you ok?" her voice comes out soft and sweet, sincere concern in her voice. I nod, "just nightmares, I'm sorry I woke you up" I sorrowfully explain. I then quickly wipe away my tears, and smile as big as I possibly can, "but I'm fine now, and I'm very sorry I woke you up" I say over cheerfully, Hannah doesn't seem to buy it.

  "Its fine, I just hope your okay, you want to tell me what the nightmare was about?" Hannah's voice is sweet with motherly love in every syllable.
"No, really, I'm fine now, I don't even remember what the nightmare was about" I answer nonchalantly. I can tell she doesn't believe me, but drops it anyway. Bow is in my lap waggling her tail, like there's no tomorrow, while barking happily.

  "Okay...goodnight sweetheart, if you need me, I'll be in the room across from yours ok?" I can tell Hannah's really worried about me. So I just nod, and smile the sweetest, fake smile I could pull. She slowly gets up and presses her lips gently to my forehead, before walking to the door and turning off the light. Once the door is closed, I fall back down on the pillows, and stare at ceiling. Tears once again invade my face, my heart feels as if its in the process of being torn out, with every second that goes by, it gets harder and harder to breathe.

  I see her face in the back of my mind, guilt and shame flood my emotions. So many things I could've done, all the things should've done. Hate seeps through, if my parents would have kept me none of this would have happened. If I met the people who were supposed to protect me, but instead left me for dead, I'd probably tear them apart, with an grin on my face the entire time. What did I do to deserve the pain, and hurt that now controls my heart. Bow begins to lick the silent tears from my face, I just smile and slowly fall into unconsciousness.

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