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Chapter 6: Troublemaker

Third Person POV:
  After months of lots and lots of paper work, Eliza and Hannah James are told they can finally take Kayla home to Hawaii with them.

      Kayla's POV
  I've met the James family once already and they seem nice enough but I don't think 'my older brother' is happy about getting a new little sister, but that's just what I think.

  I think about my possible new future family as I walk through the school halls towards the cafeteria, when a boy named Henry who's about two years older then me yells "hey little girl, it would be healthy for you, if you gave me your lunch".

  He sortta became the school bully when he came here, just three months ago. Nobody's told him not mess with me I guess. Too bad.............. for him anyway.

  "Garbage baby!" he laughs out, it's funny because he doesn't realize he's so fat and ugly, it makes him look hilarious as he's laughing, and his huge belly is juggling. I just ignore him, I've learned it's not worth my time to get angry at annoying kids like him. "Don't walk away while I'm talking to you" his annoying voice screeching in my ears.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were king here. You must forgive me, your highness" I answer sarcasticlly as I spin around to see him. He walks over to me, and tries to push me down but I punch him in the stomach. "Go pick on somebody your own size, before you get hurt" I snarl at him. "I hate you!" he shouts holding his stomach, he looks about ready to cry....oh wait, never mind he is crying.

   Before I realize it, I'm on top of him punching him in the face, while he's screaming his lungs out. I get up as soon as the principal and teachers come, I can't help but sarcastically say "haha, you really suck at fighting, your highness!" "Kayla!" the principal, Mrs Edwardson yells "Mrs Edwardson!" I yell back in the same tone she yelled. I smirk, though I probably shouldn't, but hey, I can't help it. "My office, NOW!" Mrs Edwardson shouts, her face turning bright red with anger.

   "Gee, I didn't know your face could turn that red, Mrs Edwardson" I say with an astonished face "a miricle" I announce sarcastically. "Your reeaally asking for it, kid" she's clearly annoyed "you orphans are always coming up with ways to cause problems" she mutters as we walk through the halls towards her office. "Rrreally...why do you think that is?" I question pretending like I'm as innocent as a newborn babe.

  "Because you never get spanked!" she shouts at me with narrowed eyes, should I tease her? Of course I should, I narrow my eyes back her "your not s'poused to start a statement with the word 'because', Mrs Edwardson" I inform, waiting for her head to explode, but to my disappointment, it doesn't. Huh, too bad... She just shakes her head "you really know how to get on someone's nerves, don't you" she states more then questions.

   "If your trying to say I'm annoying, I'm well aware of that. Actually I'd like to thank you for your compliment, I try" I say with a big smile on my face, as I flutter my eyes. "Yes, I'm sure you'd love to make the call to Elizabeth yourself, am I correct?" Mrs Edwardson sarcastically smiles at me as she points to the phone on her desk.


   "Why...of course, I'd love to call her myself" I say grinning from ear to ear. Mrs Edwardson dials the director of the adoption center, good old Elizabeth, then hands me the phone. "Elizabeth Judes' office, ho-" "oh Claire you won't believe the horror" I exclaim dramatically, then sniff as if I were crying. "I got pushed down by a sixth grader at lunch, a-and he tried to take my lunch from me, he also called me 'garbage baby', why do they bully me jus cuz I don't have a family like them" I dramatically cry into the phone.

   "Oh poor Kayla, I told Elizabeth and she said I can come pick you up" Claire a worker at the adoption center coos. "Don't cry sweetheart, you'll get a family soon enough" she says warmly into the phone. "Ok, I'll be waiting" I answer back, just before the call ends. I give Mrs Edwardson a huge smirk "you regret letting me make the call?" I ask. "I do" is her simple, but very much annoyed answer. "I don't" I laugh out.

  "I must admit, I'm a great actress" I muse, wearing a rather smug look. "I noticed" Mrs Edwardson grumbles, then looks at me curiously, "why-why do you...why are you so...good at fighting. A normal fifth grader would back down from a confrontation. Especially with a sixth grader...." she trails off, giving me a serious look.

  "I'm not scared of some fat butt kid, who has never gone hungry a day in his life. I don't bow down to some kid cuz he's bigger then me and thinks he's all that. He's nuthin' but a spoiled bratt" I snort. "Never gone hungry a day in his life" Mrs Edwardson echoes, "have you?" I almost tear up, so I look away. "Going a day wit'out food was like a present compared to the other stuff" I whispered grimly. This really sparks Mrs Edwardson's interest, she furrows her brows together, "was? Other stuff? What other stuff, when?" concern lacing her voice.

   I just give her a sad smile and shake my head, "something thas been shattered already can't be broken anymore. Being shattered is the greatest weakness yet also the greatest strength" I whisper, looking out the window, trying my best not to cry....She always told me that.

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