Dixie and Officer Reeds

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  Chapter 2: Dixie and Officer Reeds

   The homeless man wraps the baby even more in his old, worn down jacket and tries to stop the tiny baby from shivering. "Hush now, sweet little angel, I'll help you" he coos, to the shivering infant. "My name's Dixen, but everybody calls me Dixie" he whispers to the baby as he walks in the freezing cold, just as tiny white balls of snow begins to slowly fall.

   "HEY DIXIE!" a man's voice yells from behind. Dixie smiles and looks behind him to see a man in his mid-thirties in a car. "Where are you headed? Need a ride?" the man yells, Dixie runs to the car as it begins to snow slightly harder. Dixie sits in the passenger side and says with a knowing grin "you won't believe what I found Officer Reeds" slightly showing the little baby's face to the off duty Officer.

   "Where on earth did you get a baby Dixie?" Officer Reeds asks as softly as he can, trying not to wake the sleeping babe, shock written all over his face. "I found her in a trash bin. I was heading for the hospital" Dixie explains. Within minutes they arrive at the emergency room.

   "This baby needs help, my friend here, found her abandoned in a trash bin" Officer Reeds says to the brunette lady at the desk, showing his badge. Within a few seconds they rush her into the intensive care unit. The two men left standing there hoping, praying that the sweet little baby will be strong enough to make it through the night.

   There's no point in praying after someone's dead because no matter how much you cry, pray, and wish for things to be different, it won't bring that person back, all you can do is be there for them while they're still alive. Dixie learned this the hard way, as many people do.

   As Dixie watches the ER go about their business, he can't help but remember the dreadful day he lost everything that mattered most to him. Since then he has no longer cared to care, that terrible day his feelings died along with the people closest to him. Dixie wasn't the only hero that night, and the baby wasn't the only one being saved.

   Seeing that beautiful baby, holding her helpless body in the cold, revived something deep down inside Dixie, something he didn't realize had died. It was like his heart started beating again, like he could see for the first time in years.

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