twenty three

294 6 0

Having to be in a wheelchair is tough. Having a famous boyfriend is tougher. But the toughest thing is having to push myself to move while my boyfriend walks along side me. That kills me inside.

'You okay, bub?'

'Yeah, just thinking...'

'Excited for tonight?' Shit, what was happening tonight? Oh Yeah!

'Yeah, really excited.' I smiled at him.

'Come on, last one to the sand is a rotten egg!' Beau taunted. He raced off towards the beach. I was at least 3 times faster than Beau in these wheels, but I let him win this one. As soon as I caught up with him he knelt down to my level and kissed my lips. My nozzle kept getting in the way when we tried to make out, so little kisses just had to do. They were still magical.

'So, how about I pick you up at 8? We can go for a nice romantic meal, have a few drinks, get that warm fuzzy feeling in our tummies.' I giggled at the word 'tummy'.

'Then I'll take you back to my place, mum's taking the boys out somewhere, we'll have the whole house to ourselves... We can, you know...' Beau's face grew ever closer to mine as he spoke.

'What do I know, Beau? Tell me what I know...' My heart rate increased.

'You won't be able to stand up for a week after I've finished with you...' Beau bit on his lip and breathed deeply into my ear.

'I can't stand up anyway, so you can go even harder...' I whispered back. Beau's arms lifted me up so as I was standing and pressed his body against me. I could feel his member pushing against my stomach.

'This is what you're doing to me.' Beau smiled at me, lowering me back into my chair. I blushed and wheeled quickly away, trying to tease his sorry ass.

'Hey! Come back here!' Beau called after me, smiling and laughing as I sped off into the distance. It was quite difficult to manoeuvre on the sand and. I found myself loosing my grip a few times.

'Alex, look out for that rock!' I looked behind me for a split second and before ai knew it I was head first in the sand with my legs (and wheelchair) in the air.

'Oh my god Alexis, are you okay?!' Beau yelled, trying to get me up. He rubbed my back soothingly, as if trying to make me feel better. A roar of laughter came from my stomach as I tried to get back up.

'That was the funniest thing ever!' I spluttered, regaining my balance with Beau's assistance.

'Come on then, twinkle, let's get you home. Get your mum to dress you up real fancy for your perfect boyfriend.' Beau winked at me. I held his hand all the way home as he pushed me with the other.


I was wearing the most beautiful little black dress with a bow at the back. I'd accessorized with white; white shoes, white handbag, white earrings, white headband, white everything. I'd ties a few little ribbons into mini plaits in my wig for the final touch. My makeup was light, knowing it was going to come off later on. My wig was styled in a cute bun that was more like a ponytail, but had some bun essence.

'Oh mum, thank you so much! I love it!' I squeezed my mum tight, letting her know I truly meant it.

'Now, are you staying out all night?'

'No, I'll be sleeping over at Brooks' house, though. I'll take some pyjamas with me.'

'Okay, just look after yourself sweetheart.' Mum started to get the worry line on his forehead.

'Mum. Beau treats me like I'm 6 tonnes of diamond encrusted platinum. I'll be fine.' I kisses her cheek and wheeled out of the door. Sitting outside of my boyfriends house, I got my phone from my bag and rang my man.


'Hello, handsome. I'm outside.' I smiled, ready to see how beautiful Beau looked.

'Okay, gorgeous.'

The door opened, revealing Beau in the most attractive state ever: his body covered in a black tux, his hair slicked in its usual flick, his arms full of 20 red roses. His eyes were a bright green in the sunset and he looked perfect.



Come here...'

'Alex... you look...' His eyes travelled up and down my body, his hands rubbing over where he lifted me. Carrying me inside, he kissed my cheek numerous times. I felt perfect.

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