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The drive to the local supermarket was a half hour and Beau knew something was up. Beau doesn't need to know this, it's an honest mistake.

'Babe?' The small voice snapped me away from my daydream.

'Hmm?' I answered. I smiled a toothy grin. No reaction. My smile drooped away as I looked back out the window.

'Have you been listening to a word I've been saying?' He sounded angry. Oh dear, I didn't need this right now.

'Sorry, I'm not feeling too good. Cramps and things.... You don't need to know the details...' I trailed away, not knowing what to say to make him happy.

'Period?' This boy knew me so well. I nodded. His face broke out into a smile.

'I'll buy you some ice cream and we can have some cuddle time when we get home.' Pulling into a parking space, Beau curled his arm round my shoulder and I leaned into him, breathing in his smell.

'Lets shop.' I murmured, straining my neck up in desperate search for his mouth. Slowly, I kissed his sweet lips, wanting it to last forever.

'Come on, babe. There's more of that when we get home.' His green eyes pulled me in as he smirked at me, kissing my lips one last time before we exited the car and entered the shops, picking a trolley as we went.


'No, no, we need to get them so that they match.'

'Who cares whether they match? We're literally using them to make a tent in the living room.'

'Yeah, but what if I want to use them again? Then they'll have to match with the living room.'

'Well, it's your house, do what you want.'

'I'm getting cream.' I picked up 3 blankets and chucked them into the trolley. Walking through the aisles, I scanned the pain killers and picked up the strongest one that was available over the counter. If this was going to turn into an all nighter then the pain needed to be out of the way as much as possible.

'That bad, huh?' A voice behind me asked. Two strong tattooed arms wrapped their way around my shoulders, massaging my stomach. It was somewhat soothing, but definately inappropriate for a public supermarket.

'Beau, not now...' I whispered, his brain finally clicking in. His hands whipped away from me as he took the trolley and ran up the aisle in the most stupid way I had ever seen, making me laugh hysterically. The pharmacist gave him an odd glare and I said 'he's got issues' just to make the situation a bit more normal.

After paying for the shopping we carried the bags back to the car and headed back to my place to set up the house.

'Lay down, Alex. I'll sort out the lounge. I don't want you in any pain...' Beau instructed. I pulled the pain killers out of one of the bags, popping one out of the packet and waving it in Beau's face.

'That's what these are for.' I laughed, dry swallowing it. I disentangled myself from my oxygen, ripping off my shoes and unwrapping the newly bought blankets.

'You lie down and have a snooze. You're gonna be up all night and you are certainly not prepared.' I winked at Beau, wrapping a blanket round him and pushing him onto the sofa.

'What about you? You can't be prepared either.' Beau moaned.

'I'm a girl. I'm up most of my life. I'm used to sleepovers with me, you're not.' Beau finally cooperated, lying down and curling into a snug little ball. I started transforming the room into a sleepover heaven. I moved the furniture around to incorporate almost all of it into a tent. Hanging the blankets onto the dresser and around the sofas, finishing it on the lampshade, I laid down the cushions from the armchairs and multiple sleeping bags. Using the fairylights from the Christmas box, I added them onto the inside of the blankets with blue tac and sighed happily. Beau tossed slightly, stretching and staring at my masterpiece.

'Alex, this is beautiful.' God, his morning voice was sexy.

'I know, right?' I giggled, sitting next to Beau and stroking his hair.

'Go home, get your things together and get the boys. Be here in your pj's at... 7?'

irresistible // b.bDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora