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Getting the lounge ready wasn't hard at all. I had a sofa that turned into a bed and I was going to create a massive tent out of blankets and sleeping bags. I called over at the Brooks' Brothers house to pick up some supplies for the night. I was wearing some high waisted shorts, a smiley face crop top and my pair of yellow Doc Martins. My hair was off my face in a loose pony and eyeliner, mascara and burts bees chapstick were the only items of makeup on my face right now. (

Knocking on the door, I pulled my shorts down (I have those thighs that make your shorts rise up) and smoothed my crop top. I was super nervous for some reason. A half naked Jai opened the door, grinning down at me. I smiled back and hugged him. He smelt wonderfully clean with the usual boyish smell which I still couldn't put my finger on. His arms were strong around my back, his abs tight against my chest.

'Looking beautiful as always, Alexis.' Jai said finally, taking my oxygen tank and carrying it up the step as I followed him.

'Thanks, Jai.' I said as he placed it on the floor, tucked behind the sofa so as it didn't get in the way.

'So what brings you here in your 'socially acceptable shopping clothes'?' Jai asked. I've let the boys know what mood I'm in by showing them the way I dress. Shorts or jeans and a top are socially acceptable shopping clothes. Joggers are socially acceptable I can't be bothered clothes, etc etc.

'We're gonna need supplies for the sleepover tonight. So I'm gonna beg Beau to take me in his car to the supermarket. I need to buy some more blankets to complete the lounge as well...' I explained, watching the intrigued look on Jai's face turn into a smile only a 6 year old child should be wearing.

'You have no idea how excited I am.' Jai said almost bursting.

'Oh I have an idea...' I chuckled, walking upstairs to find Beau. Knocking on his room gave me no reply, so I just barged in. He was still asleep.

'Beau...' I whispered, walking closer to the bed.

'Beau!' I whispered louder. I was standing right next to the bed.

'Beau.' I said, not caring to whisper anymore. Right, you asked for it.

'AAHHAHAHAHAHAAAHHHHH!' Beau screamed as I jumped onto his bed, engulfing him in a hug as I led on his back.

'Morning, sunshine.' I smiled into his ear, letting my head rest in the crook of his neck.

'Get off me...' Beau murmured, groaning. I stood up, rearranging my crop top that was crumpled and putting the nubbins back in my nose correctly.

'What are you doing here so early?' He moaned, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

'Oh, Hi Alex, how are you? Nice to see you this morning. Here, climb in with me, lets have a cuddle.' I imitated Beau's voice (badly), huffing and folding my arms pretending to be in a mood.

'Hey, I'm sorry. I was just startled.' He sat up, pulling me over to him. 'Good morning, beautiful. Your breathing playing up this morning?' I was stood in between Beau's legs, one hand on my hip, the other playing with my oxygen tube.

'Yeah, I'm having difficulties. I need a favour.' I gave him puppy dog eyes, leaning down to kiss his cheek.


'Can you drive me to the supermarket? I need to get some supplies for the group sleepover tonight.' Beau stood up quickly, towering over me instantly. I hate being small.

'Sure thing, let me get dressed. Go wake Luke up or something. Be down in 10, babe.' He smiled, kissing the top of my head. I walked into Luke's room, the oxygen tank clunking behind me. One of he wheels was on its way out.

'Lukey...' I murmured into Luke's ear, cuddling him. His arms reached round my waist as he pulled me in closer.

'Hey baby, I thought you'd never come to your senses.' He whispered his eyes still closed.

'Luke...' I warned.

His lips pressed onto mine.

A loud crack echoed through the room as I slapped his cheek and rushed back down the stairs and into safety.

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