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After getting changed into my cleaning clothes, I started on the whole house. If my parents were coming to visit, I needed to make the place look presentable. As I was polishing the furniture in the loungeroom, the doorbell rang sharply 3 times.

'Coming!' I shouted, tying my apron up tighter and brushing it down. Upon opening the door, a pair of green eyes stared intently at me.

'Can you not keep away?' I asked, hopefully seductively.

'I had to see you...' Beau mumbled. What was happening? Was Beau nervous?

'And why's that?' I asked, leaning on the doorframe. He looked me up and down, taking time to look at every inch of me.

'What happened outside the hospital... It was intense, but I liked it... And I'm pretty sure you liked it too...' His eyes met mine. The power in that one glance almost made my legs buckle beneath me. I never thought a silly Janoskian would make me feel this way. I never thought this would happen with a silly Janoskian outside of a dream.

I said nothing.

'So... I came over to ask... What... What did it mean?' I switched my weight to my other leg, pondering on how I answer this question. I mean, I like him. I like him a lot. But I didn't want to seem like I'm coming on too strong.

'Well... It was a bit of fun...' I started, Beau's face dropped. I instantly knew I should have said I was falling in him.

'But...' I closed my eyes, rubbing my temples. A large lump formed in my throat and my vision became blurry. I felt my knees wobbling and the last thing I remember is a pair of strong arms catching my weight as I was pulled into the darkness.


Drops of water fell delicately onto my face, pulling me out of the darkness I was currently stuck in. The light shone bright against my eyes, straining, pushing, squinting, causing me great difficulty to stay in the dark where I'm safe. But the familiar shaking of strong hands pushed me back into the world.

'Mum! She's waking up! MUM!!' A masculine voice called out, startling me. I pushed my heavy eyelids up and looked around. I was in the Brooks' House, that I knew for sure. I looked up and into a pair of dark brown eyes.

'Hey, Luke...' I mumbled, my throat hoarse and raspy. I closed my eyelids tight and turned into him, feeling my weight being held by Luke.

'Mum! She's awake!' Luke called. Gina came bumbling through with a tray of various items. A cold flannel was placed on my forehead, a plump pillow tucked behind my head, an array of thermometers placed in my ears.

'Her temperature is fine now, but she's still drowsy.' She mumbled to herself, mixing something in a glass.

'Alex, it's Gina, sweetie. Can you sit up for me?' I sat up slowly, opening my eyes up. There were four pairs of eyes on me, Beau's the most prominent.

'Can you take small sips on this for me, darling, it'll be good for you.' She handed me a warm mug of something. It looked like water with a yellow tint. I took a sceptical sip, lemon flooding through my mouth. The lemon flavour was dimmed down slightly by an aftertaste of honey. It was quite delicious and I could have happily drunk it within about 4 gulps, but I took small sips like Gina had told me to.

'What happened to me?' I asked no one in particular.

'Well, me and you were talking on your front step, but you started swaying and I was worried about you. When I asked if you were alright, you fell into my arms. I got you over here and you've been asleep all day.' Beau explained, gently stroking my free hand.

'oh... OH SHIT!' I exclaimed, my hand flying to my forehead. 'My parents are supposed to be coming tomorrow and I haven't finished cleaning my house! It's a fucking mess!'

'It's okay, Alexis, I'll do it for you. Don't worry about it.' Gina reassured me. 'The boys will be happy to help as well.' This comment was followed by the boys staring at Gina with their mouths open and scowls on their faces.

'Fine...' They said in unison. Gina smiled, taking my empty cup and leaving us alone.

'Do you guys want to come over for lunch with my parents tomorrow? It's my way of saying thank you for helping to sort out my house.' They nodded eagerly, group hugging me.

'Alex, can I have a word? In private?'

irresistible // b.bDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora