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He handed me the intsruction manual and looked up at me expectantly.

'Shit...' I muttered under my breath, 'I didn't want this to happen today...'

'Didn't want what to happen today? What's going on? Are you sick?' Luke touched my arm, but I flinched it away.

'I'm sorry, I can't tell you until I'm certain. But I'm okay, I'm alright...' I reassured myself. Luke looked at me sympathetically and nodded. He picked up the cups of tea and left the kitchen. I backed up into the wall, slowly sinking down to the floor, tears bursting from my eyes. The day was going so well... Why wasn't I more careful? I rolled up my top and lowered my hand over my stomach, tears silently falling from my eyes. My fingers lightly touched the fresh scarlet lines underneath my belly button from a week ago. I rolled my top back down, composed myself and walked slowly into the lounge.

The boys stayed for a half an hour longer before they decided to head off. As they were leaving, Luke whispered in my ear 'I'm here when you're ready.' I nodded and said my goodbye's. Once I knew I was alone, I rushed up into my room and dug out my life support. I let my long hair flow down as I teared the bobble from my locks and slumped onto my bed. I pulled the tubing behind my ears and inserted the nubbins into my nose, breathing deeply in and out.

It was such a shock for Luke to find the manual. I made a mental note to myself to have at least an hour to check for any signs of illness and to remove them from view. I clicked onto Twitter to see the boys had tweeted some lovely things about me:

@BrooksBeau: Had such a lovely meal with the new next door neighbour, hope to see you again some time!

@JaiBrooks1: Thanks for the meal, Alexis. I approve ;)

@James_Yammouni: Yummy meal with Alex. Nice girl :)

@DanielSahyounie: Food was alright.

I laughed lightly at Daniel's tweet. He was such a Skiplet. But Luke's tweet meant more to me than all the other boys altogether.

@Luke_Brooks: ♥♥

It was so simple and stupid. For all I know, it could have been for a girl. But I took it as a sign for me to he strong and that he was here for me when I wanted.

When the clock stroke 11, I knew it was time to get off of Tumblr. I wriggled into my pj's and drifted into a warm sleep.


I awoke to the light pitter patter of rain. Perfect weather for a perfect day. I pulled my Jessie J shirt over my head and hauled a pair of black leggings over my skinny legs. I did all my usual bathroom arrangements and did my hair and makeup. It wasn't a special day, so I only made sure my acne scars didn't show through and added some light brown eyeliner on my waterline and some clear mascara. I pulled my hair into a tight high ponytail and headed for the door, pulling my Nike's over my feet and grabbing my backpack full of the first day supplies, umbrella in hand.

It wasn't too far a walk to the hospital, so I naturally got there half an hour early. Checking in with the nurse, I took my seat and began trying to complete a new level of Candy Crush Saga which I had been stuck on for about 2 months.

'Alexis Brown? The doctor will see you now.' The young nurse at the counter called, smiling sweetly at me. She was one of the nicest doctors I've encountered in a long time.

My doctor was a tall man with an average build, a slightly receeding hairline and wonky teeth.

'Good morning, Miss Brown. Thank you for coming in so early.' He beckoned for me to sit down on the leather bed, which was layered with a long length of paper towel. I sat as the doctor stared intently at me.

'My name is Doctor Johnson, but you may call me Riley. I don't like using the formalities.' He smiled at me, looking down at my papers.

'So, I believe this is just a check up and an X-ray, correct me if I'm wrong?' He looked up at me. I nodded, sheepishly. I've never been good with meeting new doctors in case they screw up like the last ones.

'Okay. I will just make a phone call to the X ray department to make sure we are still booked in, and there is no reason why you should be shy, Miss Brown. I'm not a scary ogre.' I giggled slightly as he made an ugly face.

'I like to be called Alex, if that's okay.' I responded, putting my thumbs up to show we were cool. He chuckled lightly and made his phonecall. As he put the phone down, he turned to me and smiled: a smile that showed he was friendly but professional. 

'Whenever you're ready, Miss Brown.'

- - - - - - - - - -

I've always hated having X rays. Its not like they hurt or anything, I'm just always scared of the outcome. Riley led me into the small blacked out room. He began the necessary preperations as I led down on the small bed, positioning myself so that my chest was in view of the large machine.

'Now, I have been informed that you are used to having X-rays, so I have no need to bore you with the details and precautions.' I nodded slowly, and he briskly left the room and got into place. 3 gloriously bright flashes later and I was back in Dr. Johnson's room.

irresistible // b.bKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat